yAudit Ohm Review
Review Resources:
- NibblerExpress
- Sjkelleyjr
- Engn33r
Table of Contents
- Review Summary
- Scope
- Code Evaluation Matrix
- Findings Explanation
- High Findings
- Medium Findings
- Low Findings
- Gas Savings Findings
- 1. Gas - Declare function external for gas savings (sjkelleyjr)
- 2. Gas - Use == for gas savings (sjkelleyjr)
- 3. Gas - Simplify math for gas savings (engn33r)
- 4. Gas - Use msg.sender for gas savings (engn33r)
- 5. Gas - Remove functions to save gas on deployment (engn33r)
- 6. Gas - Gas savings using unchecked (engn33r)
- 7. Gas - Gas savings with memory variable (engn33r)
- 8. Gas - redeemAll repeatedly computes index - 1 (NibblerExpress)
- Informational Findings
- Final remarks
Review Summary
The purpose of Tyche/OlympusGive is to empower Ohm/sOHM/gOHM holders to use their OHM yield in different ways. This family of contracts aims to allow users to donate their yield to multiple users. The YieldStreamer contract allows sOHM or gOHM deposits, and the yield can be withdrawn in the form of a stream token (Dai is the default). In contract, the YieldDirector contract permits gOHM deposits and the gOHM rebases can be donated.
The main branch of the OlympusDAO Repo was reviewed over 9 days. The code review was performed by 3 auditors between March 20 and March 28, 2022. The repository was under active development during the review, but the review was limited to one specific commit.
The review was limited to the three following contracts:
- YieldSplitter.sol
- YieldDirector.sol
- YieldStreamer.sol
The focal point of the review was the following code modifications:
- https://github.com/OlympusDAO/olympus-contracts/pull/208
- https://github.com/OlympusDAO/olympus-contracts/pull/186
- https://github.com/OlympusDAO/olympus-contracts/blob/main/contracts/types/YieldSplitter.sol
The commit reviewed was f92425ff278b93cfc2a580299924417182da432a
After the findings were presented to the Ohm team, a review of mitigations was performed during April 5-9 based on the first three commit ot PR 288: https://github.com/OlympusDAO/olympus-contracts/pull/288
The review was a time-limited review to provide rapid feedback on potential vulnerabilities. The review was not a full audit. The review did not explore all potential attack vectors or areas of vulnerability and may not have identified all potential issues.
yAudit and the auditors make no warranties regarding the security of the code and do not warrant that the code is free from defects. yAudit and the auditors do not represent nor imply to third parties that the code has been audited nor that the code is free from defects. Olympus and third parties should use the code at their own risk.
Code Evaluation Matrix
Category | Mark | Description |
Access Control | Good | Modifiers such as onlyGovernor and isInvalidDeposit control conditional logic branches, while elsewhere if statements check whether the msg.sender is the depositor or recipient. Access controls are applied where needed. |
Mathematics | Good | Solidity 0.8.10 is used, which provides overflow and underflow protect. No unchecked code exists and no low-level bitwise operations are performed. |
Complexity | Good | No assembly is used and the code is clearly written and organized. |
Libraries | Good | The libraries used are from trustworthy sources. No external libraries from outside the project repository are imported. |
Decentralization | Average | The onlyGovernor modifier implies some level of centralization, although a multisig is expected to mitigate this. |
Code stability | Average | Changes were reviewed at a specific commit, additional code development occurred, but the scope was not expanded after the review was started. However, development was ongoing when the review was performed so the code was not frozen, which means deployed code may vary from what was reviewed. |
Documentation | Average | Documentation for the project exists and the code had natspec comments for nearly all functions. However, no documentation existed in the official Olympus DAO GitBook documentation and some NatSpec documentation could be made clearer with standardized terminology across contracts. |
Monitoring | Average | Events were added to most important functions that modified state variables, but not the yield withdraw or variable update functions in YieldStreamer. |
Testing and verification | Low | The findings indicate that the test coverage could be improved to better handle edge cases. Improved unit tests could enhance consistency and better check the value of all state variables after operations are performed. |
Findings Explanation
Findings are broken down into sections by their respective impact:
- Critical, High, Medium, Low impact
- These are findings that range from attacks that may cause loss of funds, impact control/ownership of the contracts, or cause any unintended consequences/actions that are outside the scope of the requirements
- Gas savings
- Findings that can improve the gas efficiency of the contracts
- Informational
- Findings including recommendations and best practices
High Findings
1. High - staking.unstake() should set rebasing bool to true (engn33r)
The YieldStreamer contract passes an incorrect parameter to staking.unstake()
Proof of concept
The steps that the YieldStreamer functions take to withdraw yield to stream tokens occur in this order
- Calculate yield in gOHM
- Unwrap gOHM to sOHM
- Unstake sOHM to OHM
- Convert OHM to stream token
The problem is in step 3. The rebasing bool is set to false, which will cause the staking contract to take gOHM from msg.sender instead of taking sOHM as the YieldStreamer contract requires. The logic for the rebasing boolean in the staking contract is
if (_rebasing) {
sOHM.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount);
amount_ = amount_.add(bounty);
} else {
gOHM.burn(msg.sender, _amount); // amount was given in gOHM terms
amount_ = gOHM.balanceFrom(amount_).add(bounty); // convert amount to OHM terms & add bounty
In order to convert sOHM to OHM in the staking.unstake()
function, which is required in step 3 of the steps outlined above, the rebasing parameter must be set to true. Otherwise gOHM will be converted instead.
Currently the rebasing boolean value is set to false in two locations https://github.com/OlympusDAO/olympus-contracts/blob/f92425ff278b93cfc2a580299924417182da432a/contracts/peripheral/YieldStreamer.sol#L246 https://github.com/OlympusDAO/olympus-contracts/blob/f92425ff278b93cfc2a580299924417182da432a/contracts/peripheral/YieldStreamer.sol#L322
High, currently gOHM will be subtracted from the YieldStreamer contract twice while sOHM will sit in YieldStreamer unused.
Change the rebasing input parameter to true, not false
staking.unstake(address(this), totalOhmToSwap, false, true);
Remediation Status
The functions relying on staking.unstake()
have been changed so that this is no longer an issue. Notably, the complex withdrawYieldInStreamTokens()
function has been removed. A new observation was that comments still exist in YieldStreamer.sol that reference withdrawYieldInStreamTokens even though the function has been removed. Only one instance of the staking.unstake()
function call remains, in the upkeep()
function, where the token conversion process has been simplified so that the original issue is no longer valid.
2. High - Sandwich attack risk in YieldStreamer.sol (engn33r)
YieldStreamer.sol needs to swap Ohm for the streaming token. To do this, the swapExactTokensForTokens function from Sushiswap is used. The swapExactTokensForTokens requires a amountOutMin value be set to reduce slippage and prevent sandwich attacks. In the YieldStreamer.sol contract, the amountOutMin value that is set is equivalent to not setting a minimum amountOutMin. This make the swap sandwichable. Even if a private relay like flashbots is used to mitigate the sandwich attack risk, an uncle bandit attack is still a risk to this operation.
Proof of concept
This code is how the swap is performed in YieldStreamer.sol in two locations: https://github.com/OlympusDAO/olympus-contracts/blob/f92425ff278b93cfc2a580299924417182da432a/contracts/peripheral/YieldStreamer.sol#L248-L255 https://github.com/OlympusDAO/olympus-contracts/blob/f92425ff278b93cfc2a580299924417182da432a/contracts/peripheral/YieldStreamer.sol#L324-L331
uint256[] memory calculatedAmounts = sushiRouter.getAmountsOut(totalOhmToSwap, sushiRouterPath);
uint256[] memory amounts = sushiRouter.swapExactTokensForTokens(
(calculatedAmounts[1] * (1000000 - maxSwapSlippagePercent)) / 1000000,
The amountOutMin value is the output of getAmountsOut(totalOhmToSwap, sushiRouterPath)
minus some slippage percent maxSwapSlippagePercent. Examining the code of the swapExactTokensForTokens()
function, we can see how amountOutMin is used. There is a check to confirm the result of the exchange is greater than the amountOutMin
amounts = UniswapV2Library.getAmountsOut(factory, amountIn, path);
require(amounts[amounts.length - 1] >= amountOutMin, 'UniswapV2Router: INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT');
But because the swapExactTokensForTokens()
function is using the exact same getAmountsOut()
function that was used in YieldStreamer.sol to calculate amountOutMin and is calculated in the same transaction, the result is that the two getAmountsOut()
output values will always be equal. So the amountOutMin set in YieldStreamer.sol serves no purpose because it can never yield a result where the amountOutMin value reverts the swap, because amountOutMin is getAmountsOut()
minus some slippage, which will always be less than or equal to getAmountsOut()
. The current calculation to provide an amountOutMin value is a waste of gas.
Even in a scenario where a private relay is used, miners cannot guarantee that a block will not become an uncle block. If the block is uncled, the mempool data becomes public and an uncle bandit attack is possible.
High, sandwich attack is expected if the liquidity pool has low liquidity relative to a flash loan or whale
A comment in the PR discussing the sandwich attack risk indicates that a private relay may be necessary https://github.com/OlympusDAO/olympus-contracts/pull/186#discussion_r789334631
If no private relay is used, an external oracle should be used instead of relying on the DEX liquidity pool spot price. Chainlink has several OHM price feeds. https://shouldiusespotpriceasmyoracle.com/
An additional improvement for the withdrawYieldInStreamTokens()
function is to add a user-specified minAmountOut input parameter. Because a check exists in withdrawYieldInStreamTokens()
requiring recipientInfo[id_].recipientAddress == msg.sender
, the function caller is the intended recipient and therefore can be trusted to set a slippage value of their choice. To make this even easier for a user, a view function can be created that calculates this input amount to pass as the minAmountOut input parameter. This improvement would not work for upkeep()
because it can be called by anyone and the caller cannot be trusted to set a safe slippage value.
Remediation Status
This issue has not been remediated at the time of report completion. An additional concern was added about the possibility of swaps that happen earlier in the activeDepositIds array receiving better swap rates than those later in the array.
Medium Findings
1. Medium - Denial of service in upkeep “for” loop in YieldStreamer.sol (sjkelleyjr)
If upkeep()
is not run frequently enough, or if the upkeep eligibility of many depositors synchronize, the two for loops in the upkeep()
function may run out of gas, preventing anyone from running this function until (or if) Ethereum mainnet gas limits are increased. There is no backup function in YieldStreamer.sol that allows for upkeep to be run on individual positions, which would provide a solution if it is not possible to upkeep all eligible positions.
This function can be attacked by a user who wants to perform a denial of service. A user can create many deposits with a paymentInterval of 1 second. All of these payments will be upkeep eligible, increasing the amount of gas that the upkeep caller must spend. This attack can bring the gas usage of upkeep()
over the current 30,000,000 mainnet gas limit. The upkeep function is a critical piece of YieldStreamer.sol, and if it is unavailable the contract will cease to be useful, requiring individuals to withdraw their assets and the Ohm team to redeploy an upgraded contract without this weakness.
Proof of concept
Based on the current gas limit of 30 million, a malicious user Mallory could cause this denial of service with a few thousand deposits
- Mallory calls
in YieldStreamer.sol a few thousand times with small deposits that are equal to or greater than the value of minimumTokenThreshold. This causes the length of activeDepositIds to increase. When making these deposits, Mallory sets the paymentInterval to a very short amount of time and the userMinimumAmountThreshold to a very small value. - Mallory, or any user, will call
at a later time. Because_isUpkeepEligible(currentId)
will return true for all of Mallory’s deposits, which number in the thousands, theupkeep()
function will revert when it runs out of gas. Theupkeep()
function will be unusable, meaning users will not receive their stream tokens on schedule. All users will need to withdraw their deposits to receive the stream tokens.
Medium, contract out of gas causing denial of service
Add a function to upkeep individual deposits instead of only maintaining a single function to upkeep all deposits.
Remediation Status
This issue has not been remediated at the time of report completion. One recommendation for the upkeep()
denial of service was to add a function to upkeep individual deposits, but if the redeemYieldOnBehalfOf()
function is intended to serve this purpose, it needs to add the line currentrecipientInfo.lastUpkeepTimestamp = uint128(block.timestamp);
so that this deposit is not looped through on the next upkeep()
Low Findings
1. Low - donatedTo
and depositsTo
only return the first of N possible donation or deposit mappings (sjkelleyjr)
There can be multiple depositInfo mappings for a given donor or multiple recipientLookup mappings for a given donor to recipient.
Proof of concept
Low, the view functions may return incorrect values.
Return a sum of the total mappings as is done in the other view functions, or ensure the same mapping between donor and recipient can only be created one time when deposit is called.
Remediation Status
This finding was successfully resolved using the provided recommendation.
2. Low - _redeemAll()
does not delete recipientLookup (sjkelleyjr)
In YieldDirector.sol, the two mappings recipientIds and recipientLookup allow for recipient -> depositId and depositId -> recipient lookups respectively. The two mappings must be modified at the same time and in the same way to maintain relevance. For example, in the _redeem()
function, when the principalAmount of a deposit is zero, the function calls receiptIds.pop();
and delete recipientLookup[depositId_]
to remove this depositId from the mappings. But in the related _redeemAll()
function, there is no deletion of the recipientLookup[depositId_]
value. This can result in the recipientLookup mapping storing unnecessary data. This is mostly a gas savings issue, but the extra data in the array may lead to an edge case logic error, though none was identified.
Proof of concept
In the _redeem()
function, receiptIds.pop();
and delete recipientLookup[depositId_]
are called
But in the similar _redeemAll()
function, there is no delete recipientLookup[depositId_];
Low, the recipientLookup mapping will still contain depositId -> recipient mappings even if this is zero principal, but no direct security vulnerability from this data was found.
Modify the line of code that calls receiptIds.pop();
in _redeemAll()
to the following:
delete recipientLookup[receiptIds[index - 1]];
Remediation Status
This finding was successfully resolved using the provided recommendation.
Gas Savings Findings
1. Gas - Declare function external for gas savings (sjkelleyjr)
The totalRedeemableBalance function of YieldDirector.sol should be declared external, not public, for gas savings.
Proof of concept
Gas savings
Declare totalRedeemableBalance as an external function, not a public function
Remediation Status
This finding was successfully resolved using the provided recommendation.
2. Gas - Use == for gas savings (sjkelleyjr)
The three modifiers of YieldDirector.sol use a check for amount <= 0
, but the check can be changed to amount == 0
for gas savings.
There’s another related gas optimization. the if/else statement in the _withdraw()
function of YieldDirector.sol can replace ≥ with < if the if/else clauses are switched around.
The same gas optimization can be used in the if/else statement of the withdrawPrincipal()
function in YieldStreamer.sol.
Proof of concept
<= is used instead of == in three modifiers https://github.com/OlympusDAO/olympus-contracts/blob/f92425ff278b93cfc2a580299924417182da432a/contracts/peripheral/YieldDirector.sol#L71-L81
>= can be simplified to < by flipping the if/else clauses in two locations https://github.com/OlympusDAO/olympus-contracts/blob/f92425ff278b93cfc2a580299924417182da432a/contracts/peripheral/YieldDirector.sol#L415 https://github.com/OlympusDAO/olympus-contracts/blob/f92425ff278b93cfc2a580299924417182da432a/contracts/peripheral/YieldStreamer.sol#L163
An example of flipping the if/else clauses is shown. Here is the original code:
if (amount_ >= _toAgnostic(depositInfo[depositId_].principalAmount)) {
amountWithdrawn = _withdrawAllPrincipal(depositId_, msg.sender);
} else {
_withdrawPrincipal(depositId_, amount_, msg.sender);
amountWithdrawn = amount_;
And here is the modified code with a minor gas savings. This specific gas savings may be negated if the _withdrawAllPrincipal
clause is used most of the time:
if (amount_ < _toAgnostic(depositInfo[depositId_].principalAmount)) {
_withdrawPrincipal(depositId_, amount_, msg.sender);
amountWithdrawn = amount_;
} else {
amountWithdrawn = _withdrawAllPrincipal(depositId_, msg.sender);
Gas savings
Use ==, <, or > instead of ≤ or ≥ whenever possible for gas savings
Remediation Status
This finding was successfully resolved using the provided recommendation.
3. Gas - Simplify math for gas savings (engn33r)
Line 128 and 129 of YieldSplitter.sol reads
amountRedeemed = _getOutstandingYield(userDeposit.principalAmount, userDeposit.agnosticAmount);
userDeposit.agnosticAmount = _toAgnostic(userDeposit.principalAmount);
Instead of calling _toAgnostic()
, this can be simplified to save gas with
amountRedeemed = _getOutstandingYield(userDeposit.principalAmount, userDeposit.agnosticAmount);
userDeposit.agnosticAmount = userDeposit.agnosticAmount - amountRedeemed;
Proof of concept
Gas savings
Simplify math for gas savings
Remediation Status
This finding was successfully resolved using the provided recommendation.
4. Gas - Use msg.sender for gas savings (engn33r)
NOTE: engn33r is unsure whether this is a gas savings, but Paul thinks it is: https://github.com/OlympusDAO/olympus-contracts/pull/186#discussion_r816492541
The emit call in the _increaseDeposit()
function of YieldDirector.sol should use msg.sender instead of depositInfo[depositId_].depositor. _addToDeposit()
is called in _increaseDeposit()
, and _addToDeposit()
performs a check to confirm depositInfo[id_].depositor == msg.sender
. This is already done in the _withdraw()
function of YieldDirector.sol.
Proof of concept
Gas savings
Use msg.sender for gas savings
Remediation Status
This finding was successfully resolved using the provided recommendation.
5. Gas - Remove functions to save gas on deployment (engn33r)
The _toAgnostic()
and _fromAgnostic()
functions of YieldSplitter.sol duplicate the balanceFrom()
and balanceTo()
of gOHM.sol. Since the gOHM address is known to YieldStreamer.sol and YieldDirector.sol, the _toAgnostic()
and _fromAgnostic()
functions could be remove to reuse the gOHM functions. This is already done in withdrawPrincipal()
of YieldStreamer.sol
Compare to the equivalent line in YieldDirector.sol
A similar function named getPrincipalInGOHM()
in YieldStreamer.sol acts as a wrapper for gOHM.balanceTo(). It is unclear whether this function is necessary of if it can be removed. If it is necessary, it may be useful to add a complementary function getAgnosticInSOHM()
Less new code = lower complexity + deployment gas savings
Proof of concept
balanceTo and balanceFrom in gOHM.sol convert between sOHM and gOHM using the current index exchange rate https://github.com/OlympusDAO/olympus-contracts/blob/f92425ff278b93cfc2a580299924417182da432a/contracts/governance/gOHM.sol#L111-L127
The YieldSplitter.sol functions _fromAgnostic and _toAgnostic duplicate this functionality https://github.com/OlympusDAO/olympus-contracts/blob/f92425ff278b93cfc2a580299924417182da432a/contracts/types/YieldSplitter.sol#L170-L186
Gas savings
Use existing functions instead of duplicating them
Remediation Status
This finding was acknowledged but not resolved, because there may be cases where the _toAgnostic()
and _fromAgnostic()
functions are useful in contracts that do not import the gOHM.sol contract. Gas findings are optional and do not pose a security concern.
6. Gas - Gas savings using unchecked (engn33r)
We know agnosticAmount >= _toAgnostic(principal)
because agnosticAmount includes some yield from rebasing. This assumption can allow some math to use the “unchecked” clause for gas savings. One such place is _getOutstandingYield
of YieldSplitter.sol.
Proof of concept
Gas savings
Use unchecked where there is no overflow or underflow risk
Remediation Status
This finding was successfully resolved using the provided recommendation. It was suggested that comments explaining why each unchecked cannot overflow or undeflow may be useful documentation.
7. Gas - Gas savings with memory variable (engn33r)
Instead of looking up a state variable twice, a gas savings can be achieved by creating a local copy. This optimization was found in two locations.
Proof of concept
The _closeDeposit()
function in YieldSplitter.sol uses the value “depositInfo[id_].depositor” twice
The _redeemAll()
in YieldDirector.sol function uses the value “depositInfo[receiptIds[index - 1]].depositor” twice
Gas savings
Store the value in a local memory variable to save gas on storage loads. Here is an example:
address depositorAddressToClose = depositInfo[id_].depositor;
if (depositorAddressToClose != depositorAddress) revert YieldSplitter_NotYourDeposit();
Remediation Status
This finding was successfully resolved using the provided recommendation.
8. Gas - redeemAll repeatedly computes index - 1 (NibblerExpress)
index - 1 is computed six times in the redeemAll function. Gas could be saved by computing it once and storing in memory.
Proof of Concept
See lines 471-480 of Yield Director: https://github.com/OlympusDAO/olympus-contracts/blob/f92425ff278b93cfc2a580299924417182da432a/contracts/peripheral/YieldDirector.sol#L471
Gas savings
One option is to compute and store index - 1 and use that value rather than recomputing index - 1 repeatedly. The alternate option would be to start the loop at length - 1 and check that index >= 0.
Remediation Status
This finding was successfully resolved using the provided recommendation.
Informational Findings
1. Informational - Miscellaneous Improvement Ideas (engn33r)
There is significant overlap between YieldDirector.sol and YieldStreamer.sol, but similar functions are implemented differently. Standardizing as much as possible would be ideal for the long term management of the code.
Seperately, constant variables should be used in place of magic numbers to prevent typos. The magic number 1e6 is found in multiple places in YieldStreamer.sol and should be replaced with a constant.
Proof of concept
Examples of overlap between YieldDirector.sol and YieldStreamer.sol include:
- YieldDirector.sol has modifiers isInvalidDeposit, isInvalidUpdate, and isInvalidWithdrawal, but YieldStreamer.sol only checks the boolean value depositDisabled, withdrawDisabled, or upkeepDisabled. YieldStreamer.sol may benefit from the same modifiers used in YieldDirector.sol.
- Functions like
perform almost identical actions but have different names for input parameters and different natspec comments. These could be standardized better across the two contracts.
Examples of magic numbers that should be converted to constant variables are found in several places: https://github.com/OlympusDAO/olympus-contracts/blob/f92425ff278b93cfc2a580299924417182da432a/contracts/peripheral/YieldStreamer.sol#L436 https://github.com/OlympusDAO/olympus-contracts/blob/f92425ff278b93cfc2a580299924417182da432a/contracts/peripheral/YieldStreamer.sol#L445 https://github.com/OlympusDAO/olympus-contracts/blob/f92425ff278b93cfc2a580299924417182da432a/contracts/peripheral/YieldStreamer.sol#L251 https://github.com/OlympusDAO/olympus-contracts/blob/f92425ff278b93cfc2a580299924417182da432a/contracts/peripheral/YieldStreamer.sol#L318 https://github.com/OlympusDAO/olympus-contracts/blob/f92425ff278b93cfc2a580299924417182da432a/contracts/peripheral/YieldStreamer.sol#L327
- Reuse code as much as possible between YieldDirector.sol and YieldStreamer.sol to reduce overall complexity
- Replace magic numbers with constant variables to prevent typos in numeric calculations
Remediation Status
This finding was successfully resolved using the provided recommendation.
2. Informational - updateUserMinDaiThreshold assumes Dai is used as the streamToken (sjkelleyjr)
Proof of concept
None, readability improvement.
Rename the function to updateUserMinStreamTokenThreshold.
Remediation Status
This finding was successfully resolved using the provided recommendation.
3. Informational - Missing calls in scripts/deployAll.js (engn33r)
The deployAll.js script currently fails because the timelock is disabled, which leads to the calls to olympusTreasury.queueTimelock()
The deployAll.js script is missing calls to deploy YieldStreamer.sol and YieldSplitter.sol.
Proof of concept
Start ganache and run npx hardhat run --network localhost scripts/deployAll.js
. Observe the error message stating revert Timelock is disabled, use enable
To fix, add the line await olympusTreasury.initialize();
before the calls to olympusTreasury.queueTimelock()
and observe the above hardhat work.
Update the deployAll.js script
Remediation Status
This finding was not resolved at the time of report completion, but does not pose any security concerns.
Final remarks
In general the code doesn’t appear to contain any critical vulnerabilities that would result in the loss of user funds. My primary concern is around the high gas usage of the upkeep
function and the easy with which a nefarious user could DDOS this function.
Overall the code looks quite solid. I was expecting to see a mixup between gOHM and sOHM conversion somewhere, but the math appears to be handled properly. The gas usage of the upkeep function, where one user pays for the gas of many user’s deposits, could be problematic because the user calling upkeep
cannot control these other deposits. Additionally, there is one comment that streamToken may include tokens other than Dai. The code currently may not handle all edge cases for deflationary or fee-on-transfer stream tokens, which could lead to problems if they are allowed as streamTokens.
I spent a bunch of my time running through the deposit and withdraw logic looking for attacks and manipulations, but I did not find much there. The code appeared to be well written with the vulnerabilities tending to show up in the interactions with other Olympus/Ohm contracts or external contracts. A more methodical approach to testing with a focus on ensuring that all states are correct after external interactions would be helpful.