yAudit Heroglyphs Review
Review Resources:
- EperezOk
- Spalen
Table of Contents
- Review Summary
- Scope
- Code Evaluation Matrix
- Findings Explanation
- Critical Findings
- High Findings
- Medium Findings
- Low Findings
- 1. Low - Use ERC721
- 2. Low - ETH might remain locked inside ValidatorIdentity.sol if
is set to 0 - 3. Low - Users can hijack themselves to retain a Ticker while possibly not paying taxes
- 4. Low - Incorrect calculation of tax time paid with deposit
- 5. Low - Wrong order of graffiti data will exclude older blocks
- 6. Low -
always returns an empty batch - 7. Low -
is missing thereceive
function - 8. Low - Verify
is not address zero - 9. Low - Any ETH sent by mistake will be lost
- 1. Low - Use ERC721
- Gas Saving Findings
- 1. Gas - Use simple comparison
- 2. Gas - Fetch validator name only if needed
- 3. Gas - Remove double-checks
- 4. Gas - Remove unused params
- 5. Gas - Cache values outside of the loop
- 6. Gas - Simplify calculating ticker operator gas fee
- 7. Gas - Use mapping instead of an array
- 8. Gas - Use
only if needed
- Informational Findings
- 1. Informational - Extract duplicated code into a function
- 2. Informational - Typos
- 3. Informational - Unused imports
- 4. Informational - Verify
address - 5. Informational - Several two-byte-character checks are useless in NameFilter.sol
- 6. Informational - Incomplete NatSpec
- 7. Informational - Emit event on every tax paid
- 8. Informational - Ticker price can be 0 on creation
- 9. Informational - Replace magic numbers with constants
- 10. Informational - Heroglyph epochs are never marked as completed
- 11. Informational - Prefer using Ownable2Step instead of Ownable
- 12. Informational - Missing event emits
- 13. Informational - Avoid duplicated code
- 14. Informational - Use
instead of0
to indicate unlimited supply - 15. Informational - Off-by-one error in
- 16. Informational - Some tokens do not return a bool value on transfer
- 17. Informational - Suggest the array of indexes are sent in descending order
- 18. Informational - Adjustable epoch size
- Final remarks
Review Summary
Heroglyphs provides a system of rewards that incentivizes users to become solo validators instead of joining Liquid Staking pools. This reward system is based on Graffiti, a small piece of arbitrary data validators can include in the proposed blocks’ header. To fit more data into Graffiti, validators can create new or purchase existing Tickers, which encode Ethereum addresses into short custom names. The initial use case of Heroglyphs is to provide an innovative system to mine and distribute tokens, for which the protocol provides token templates that use LayerZero to enable cross-chain transactions.
The contracts of the Heroglyphs Repo were reviewed over 10 days. The code review was performed by 2 auditors between April 29 and May 10, 2024. The repository was under active development during the review, but the review was limited to the latest commit at the start of the review. This was commit 7d1f83c821b72568c52d3a9737c5905f61c9cae3 for the heroglyph repo.
The scope of the review consisted of the following contracts at the specific commit:
├── ExecutionPool.sol
├── HeroglyphAttestation.sol
├── IHeroglyphAttestation.sol
├── SendNativeHelper.sol
├── factory
│ ├── HeroglyphFactory.sol
│ ├── IHeroglyphFactory.sol
│ └── tokens
│ └── HeroLinearToken20.sol
├── identity
│ ├── IIdentityERC721.sol
│ ├── IdentityERC721.sol
│ ├── NameFilter.sol
│ ├── ticker
│ │ ├── ITicker.sol
│ │ ├── Ticker.sol
│ │ └── operator
│ │ ├── ITickerOperator.sol
│ │ └── TickerOperator.sol
│ └── wallet
│ ├── IValidatorIdentity.sol
│ └── ValidatorIdentity.sol
├── relay
│ ├── HeroglyphRelay.sol
│ ├── IHeroglyphRelay.sol
│ └── TestnetTrigger.sol
└── tokens
├── ERC20
│ ├── BaseOFT20.sol
│ └── OFT20Ticker.sol
├── ERC721
│ ├── KeyOFT721.sol
│ ├── OFT721.sol
│ └── OFT721Ticker.sol
├── HeroOFTErrors.sol
├── HeroOFTX.sol
├── HeroOFTXCallbacks.sol
├── IHeroOFTX.sol
└── extension
├── HeroOFTXCallbacksOperator.sol
├── HeroOFTXOperator.sol
└── IHeroOFTXOperator.sol
After the findings were presented to the Heroglyphs team, fixes were made and included in several PRs.
This review is a code review to identify potential vulnerabilities in the code. The reviewers did not investigate security practices or operational security and assumed that privileged accounts could be trusted. The reviewers did not evaluate the security of the code relative to a standard or specification. The review may not have identified all potential attack vectors or areas of vulnerability.
yAudit and the auditors make no warranties regarding the security of the code and do not warrant that the code is free from defects. yAudit and the auditors do not represent nor imply to third parties that the code has been audited nor that the code is free from defects. By deploying or using the code, Heroglyphs and users of the contracts agree to use the code at their own risk.
Code Evaluation Matrix
Category | Mark | Description |
Access Control | Good | Proper use of access control mechanics like onlyOwner , onlyDedicatedMsgSender and onlyRelay are present across the system. |
Mathematics | Low | There is no complex math, but a few issues are raised for internal accounting. |
Complexity | Average | The system demonstrates moderate complexity. The folder tokens contains abstract contracts that can be extended to meet users’ needs. These contracts don’t have a structured line of inheritance. |
Libraries | Good | Use of well-tested libraries and interfaces, contributing to the system’s robustness. |
Decentralization | Low | The main functionality of the system is controlled behind the relayer, which acts as a bridge between off-chain and on-chain. |
Code stability | Low | The code repository was still in active development during the review, especially the HeroglyphAttestation contract. |
Documentation | Low | Although some contracts have proper documentation, others in the folder tokens are missing information. |
Monitoring | Average | Events were emitted where applicable but were missing in some functions. |
Testing and verification | Average | The codebase includes unit and integration tests, though the test suite may be improved with proper e2e tests on the forked chain. Fuzzing could be added easily. |
Findings Explanation
Findings are broken down into sections by their respective impact:
- Critical, High, Medium, Low Impact
- These findings range from attacks that may cause loss of funds, impact control/ownership of the contracts, or cause any unintended consequences/actions that are outside the scope of the requirements.
- Gas savings
- Findings that can improve the gas efficiency of the contracts.
- Informational
- Findings including recommendations and best practices.
Critical Findings
1. Critical - Ticker.sol can get drained by an attacker
When calling hijack()
, users get all the ETH into Ticker’s deposit that they send into the hijacked, while the price
set by the original owner is still transferred out of the contract. This way, the hijacker gets the Ticker for free, and the price
is paid using the deposits from other users.
An attacker can abuse this mechanism to steal all the ETH from the Ticker.sol contract, using one account to create a Ticker and another account to hijack his own Ticker at a huge price, possibly utilizing a flashloan.
Technical Details
The hijack()
function sets the hijacked Ticker’s deposit to the msg.value
sent by the hijacker while transferring the price
and the old deposit to the currentOwner
function hijack(uint256 _nftId, string memory _name, uint128 _newPrice) external payable override {
// ...
address currentOwner = ownerOf(_nftId);
uint128 price = ticker.price;
if (msg.value < price) revert NotEnough();
uint128 totalOwned = price + ticker.deposit;
ticker.deposit = uint128(msg.value);
_transferTicker(_nftId, ownerOf(_nftId), msg.sender, _newPrice);
if (totalOwned != 0) {
_sendNative(currentOwner, totalOwned, false);
emit TickerHijacked(_nftId, _name, msg.sender, price, totalOwned);
Note that the price
isn’t being paid by the hijacker but rather by the contract itself (using the ETH from other users’ deposits) since he can withdraw the whole deposit at any time using withdrawDeposit()
Here’s how an attacker can abuse this mechanism to steal all the ETH from the Ticker.sol contract:
- The attacker creates a Ticker with arbitrary metadata and a low price, so he pays very little taxes afterward.
- The attacker waits for
until he can hijack his own Ticker. - The attacker calls
and sets a price equal to the contract ETH balance. - The attacker uses a second account to take a flashloan (equal to the contract ETH balance) and hijack his own Ticker. This should be done in the same block as the previous step to avoid paying taxes.
- In the same tx as the previous step, the attacker uses his second account to withdraw the deposit he just made and repay the flashloan.
- At this point, the contract will be drained, and all the funds will be held in the attacker’s account that created the Ticker in Step 1.
PoC can be added to the Ticker.t.sol
file to simulate attack:
function test_hijack_getsDrained() external pranking {
assertEq(address(underTest).balance, 0); // Ticker contract has no ETH
// user creates Tickers and makes deposits into the contract
uint256 initialDeposit = 100 ether;
underTest.create{ value: initialDeposit }(tickerCreation);
// Ticker contract holds 100 ETH in deposits
assertEq(address(underTest).balance, 100 ether);
// attacker uses two accounts to drain the Ticker contract
address _attacker1 = makeAddr("attacker1");
address _attacker2 = makeAddr("attacker2");
// attacker uses one account to create a Ticker with a low price, to pay less taxes
deal(_attacker1, COST + 0.01 ether); // to cover COST + tax
tickerCreation.name = "test";
tickerCreation.setPrice = 0.01 ether;
underTest.create{ value: COST }(tickerCreation);
// COST gets added to the contract's balance after new Ticker creation
assertEq(address(underTest).balance, 100 ether + COST);
// skip to the time when the attacker can hijack his own Ticker, using his other account
// taxes are paid at the low creation price, and then price is updated to match the amount
// to drain from the contract
underTest.updatePrice(0, "test", 100 ether);
// attacker uses another account to take a flashloan and hijack the Ticker he created
deal(_attacker2, 100 ether); // takes flashloan
underTest.hijack{ value: 100 ether }(0, "test", 1); // + 100 ETH to _attacker1
underTest.withdrawDeposit(0, "test", 100 ether); // + 100 ETH to _attacker2
// 1. Ticker contract stole all the ETH from the Ticker contract
assertEq(address(underTest).balance, 0);
// 2. _attacker1 has 100 ETH + a little bit more that was used to create the malicious Ticker
assertApproxEqRel(_attacker1.balance, 100 ether, 1e16);
// 3. _attacker2 has 100 ETH that will be used to repay the flashloan
assertEq(_attacker2.balance, 100 ether);
// _attacker2 repays the flashloan
// ...
Critical. All ETH inside Ticker.sol can be stolen by an attacker.
Make the hijacker pay for the Ticker price
, subtracting it from the msg.value
he sends.
if (msg.value < price) revert NotEnough();
uint128 totalOwned = price + ticker.deposit;
- ticker.deposit = uint128(msg.value);
+ ticker.deposit = uint128(msg.value) - price;
_transferTicker(_nftId, ownerOf(_nftId), msg.sender, _newPrice);
if (totalOwned != 0) {
_sendNative(currentOwner, totalOwned, false);
Also, consider requiring that the msg.value
is greater than the price
to prevent the ticker.deposit
from initially being 0.
Developer Response
Fixed in recent versions.
High Findings
1. High - Ticker owner can use a return bomb to make all hijack attempts fail
When hijack()
is executed, _sendNative()
is called to transfer the ticker price and the remaining deposit to the owner. This ETH transfer is done using a low-level call, which will automatically copy the return bytes to memory without consideration of gas.
The Ticker owner (in this case, a contract) can abuse the behavior mentioned above to make all calls to hijack()
revert due to an out-of-gas error using a return bomb (i.e., a large bytes array that expands the memory so much that any attempt to execute the transaction will lead to an out-of-gas exception).
This way, the Ticker owner can keep the Ticker indefinitely, even having the lowest ticker price possible (1 wei) to pay negligible taxes.
Technical Details
A contract can be used to create/hijack a Ticker. If this contract implements a fallback()
method that returns a huge amount of data, _sendNative()
will revert when performing the low-level call to the contract. Note that the return data will be copied to memory even though it’s not explicitly assigned to a variable in the code.
function _sendNative(address _to, uint256 _amount, bool _revertIfFails) internal {
if (_amount == 0) return;
(bool success,) = _to.call{ value: _amount }("");
if (!success) {
if (_revertIfFails) revert FailedToSendETH();
pendingClaims[_to] += _amount;
PoC that can be placed inside Ticker.t.sol.
function test_hijack_returnBomb() external pranking {
address _attacker = address(new ReturnBombAttacker());
deal(_attacker, COST);
underTest.create{ value: COST }(tickerCreation);
uint256 sending = 32.22e18;
underTest.hijack{ value: sending }(0, tickerCreation.name, 1e18);
assertEq(underTest.ownerOf(1), user_B);
It should use the following ReturnBombAttacker
contract to “returnbomb” the caller:
contract ReturnBombAttacker {
fallback(bytes calldata) external payable returns (bytes memory) {
revert(0, 1000000000) // (gas: 8937393460516745140)
// revert(0, 1000000) // (gas: 4_425_389)
// revert(0, 0) // (gas: 326_511)
Running the test will output the gas used during the test execution, which is increasingly high as we return more and more data in the fallback()
function of the attacker contract. Example output:
Ran 1 test for test/unit/identity/Ticker.t.sol:TickerTest
[PASS] test_hijack_returnBomb() (gas: 8937393460516745140)
Note: the test does not revert because Foundry can use infinite gas, but it would revert when deployed to a real chain.
High. A user can hold a Ticker indefinitely while paying negligible taxes.
Use ExcessivelySafeCall
instead of a regular low-level call to transfer the ETH.
Developer Response
Fixed in commit bbe668dcb4550302396d221159bf2826b1d3799f.
Medium Findings
1. Medium - Ticker owner can front-run a hijacker to set the price equal to the total ETH amount sent
When calling hijack()
, a hijacker can send excess ETH (in addition to the required ticker price) that will be stored in the ticker deposit.
If the Ticker owner sees this transaction, he can increase the ticker price
right before the hijack to match the total ETH amount sent by the hijacker. Therefore, the Ticker owner will capture all the ETH sent, and the Ticker deposit will end up being 0 once the hijack is completed.
Technical Details
This attack requires the owner to see the hijacker transaction before it’s included in a block.
Although the protocol aims to be deployed to an L2, and most L2s don’t have public mempools, this might change in the future once the centralized sequencers most L2s use nowadays become decentralized.
Medium. ETH can be stolen from hijackers if front-running is possible on the chains on which the protocol is deployed.
Add a maxPrice
parameter to the hijack()
function so that the hijacker can specify the maximum price he is willing to pay for the ticker.
Developer Response
Fixed in commit bbe668dcb4550302396d221159bf2826b1d3799f.
Low Findings
1. Low - Use ERC721 _safeMint()
and _safeTransfer()
Using _mint()
and _transfer()
could mint or transfer ERC721 tokens to contracts that don’t support them, leaving them locked in the contract.
Technical Details
Contract addresses that don’t implement IERC721Receiver
could mint Ticker or ValidatorIdetity tokens but won’t be able to use them. Use _safeMint()
to verify that the receiver contract can support ERC721 tokens. OZ suggests using _safeMint()
whenever possible.
The following function uses unsafe minting:
Also, use _safeTransfer()
instead of _transfer()
when transferring to the provided address. Change the following functions to use _safeTransfer()
Low. ERC721 tokens could be minted for contracts that don’t support them.
Use _safeMint()
and _safeTransfer()
instead of _mint()
and _transfer()
for ERC721 when the provided receiver address could be a contract that doesn’t implement IERC721Receiver
Developer Response
Fixed in commit bbe668dcb4550302396d221159bf2826b1d3799f.
2. Low - ETH might remain locked inside ValidatorIdentity.sol if cost
is set to 0
If, at some point, the ValidatorIdentity cost
is set to 0 and users accidentally send ETH when minting, this ETH will remain locked inside the contract forever.
Technical Details
In ValidatorIdentity.sol, tokens are minted using create()
or createWithSignature()
, both of which are payable
The check on msg.value
is done inside _create(), but this function does not check that msg.value == cost
if cost
is 0. Therefore, any ETH sent in such a case will be lost.
Low. Although users might accidentally lose ETH, this requires:
- ValidatorIdentity
set to 0. - Input mistake by the user.
Consider enforcing that the cost
is always positive, or rethink the check inside _create()
, considering that it’s also used by Ticker.sol
Developer Response
Fixed in ValidatorIdentityV2 in commit bbe668dcb4550302396d221159bf2826b1d3799f.
3. Low - Users can hijack themselves to retain a Ticker while possibly not paying taxes
Using two separate accounts, a user might be able to hijack his own Ticker repeatedly every protectionInSeconds
seconds to retain it indefinitely.
Also, assuming the user will be “faster” than all other users trying to hijack it, he can set the Ticker price
to 1 wei to not pay taxes or pay an amount close to 0 after the first year.
Technical Details
The user can retain a Ticker for a minimum price of 1 wei using the hijack()
function. The user could transfer it using hijack()
from one account to another (both controlled by him) after a period defined by protectionInSeconds
. But it must be done before anyone else calls hijack()
to steal it from him.
function hijack(uint256 _nftId, string memory _name, uint128 _newPrice) external payable override {
// ...
_payTax(_nftId, ticker);
address currentOwner = ownerOf(_nftId);
uint128 price = ticker.price;
if (_newPrice == 0) revert PriceIsZero();
if (currentOwner == address(0)) revert TickerNotFound();
if (currentOwner == msg.sender) revert CantSelfBuy();
if (currentOwner != address(this) && block.timestamp < ticker.owningDate + protectionInSeconds) {
revert ProtectionStillActive();
if (block.timestamp < ticker.immunityEnds) revert TickerIsImmune();
if (msg.value < price) revert NotEnough();
uint128 totalOwned = price + ticker.deposit;
ticker.deposit = uint128(msg.value);
_transferTicker(_nftId, ownerOf(_nftId), msg.sender, _newPrice);
if (totalOwned != 0) {
_sendNative(currentOwner, totalOwned, false);
emit TickerHijacked(_nftId, _name, msg.sender, price, totalOwned);
During this process, he will transfer ETH to himself and only have to pay gas fees.
To be the fastest hijacker, he needs to:
- Front-run any other hijacker if the chain where the protocol is deployed has a public mempool.
- Send transactions with very low latency at the exact time the
passes if the chain uses, for instance, a FIFO centralized sequencer (e.g., Arbitrum).
Low. An expert user can retain a Ticker without paying taxes.
- Set a higher minimum for the price of a Ticker (currently 1 wei when hijacking, 0 wei when creating it). This change will ensure taxes are paid even in the scenario mentioned above.
- Set
to a low value (e.g., <= 1 minute), so it requires more effort to constantly hijack the Ticker to prevent others from doing so.
Developer Response
Fixed in commit bbe668dcb4550302396d221159bf2826b1d3799f.
4. Low - Incorrect calculation of tax time paid with deposit
The tax is paid for the time the Ticker is used. If the deposit becomes lower than the tax needed, the whole deposit will be used to pay the tax for the maximum amount of time.
Technical Details
In the function _payTax()
if the tax gets bigger than Ticker deposit the whole deposit is used to pay the tax. There is a calculation to get the maximum time passed to pay the tax which is implemented incorrectly:
uint32 lastTimeTaxPaidWithBalance =
- uint32(Math.mulDiv(lastTimeTaxPaid + (block.timestamp - lastTimeTaxPaid), deposit, tax));
+ uint32(lastTimeTaxPaid) + uint32(Math.mulDiv(block.timestamp - lastTimeTaxPaid, deposit, tax));
- _ticker.lastTimeTaxPaid = lastTimeTaxPaidWithBalance;
Also, note that there’s no point in assigning lastTimeTaxPaidWithBalance
to _ticker.lastTimeTaxPaid
since this will be overwritten later in the transaction when the Ticker is surrendered.
There is a clearer way to calculate the maximum amount of time that can be paid for tax:
uint256 timeTaxPaidWithDeposit = deposit * ONE_YEAR / currentPrice;
uint32 lastTimeTaxPaidWithBalance = lastTimeTaxPaid + uint32(timeTaxPaidWithDeposit);
Low. The lastTimeTaxPaidWithBalance
calculation is incorrect when paying tax with the whole deposit, and the Ticker metadata is needlessly assigned.
Fix the calculation of lastTimeTaxPaidWithBalance
and remove the assignment to the Ticker metadata.
Developer Response
Fixed in recent versions.
5. Low - Wrong order of graffiti data will exclude older blocks
receives graffiti data in an array and executes defined tickers. If the graffiti data is sent in the wrong order, it will cause older blocks to be skipped and also prevent adding older blocks in the future.
Technical Details
The array GraffitiData
is received from off-chain operation which order cannot be validated. The code should enforce that the received array is sorted by mintedBlock
in ascending order instead of skipping elements not in the preferred order. Mistakes in the array order can block the execution of valid blocks and tickers because older blocks cannot be executed anymore.
Low. Valid graffiti data will be skipped if the data array is not sorted by mintedBlock
in ascending order. Skipped tickers won’t be executed, and attestors won’t get rewards.
Revert if the graffiti data is in invalid order.
- if (mintedBlock <= lastBlockMinted) continue;
+ if (mintedBlock <= lastBlockMinted) revert InvalidOrderd();
Additionally, think about reverting in the case of graffiti data length mismatch because once skipped blocks cannot be added later.
Developer Response
Won’t fix, the off-chain logic assure to send the blocks in order.
6. Low - getCurrentBatch()
always returns an empty batch
is always returning an empty batch.
Technical Details
The named return value batch_
is not assigned to any value before being returned:
function getCurrentBatch() external view override returns (uint256 batchId_, ClaimingBatch memory batch_) {
batchId_ = claimingBatches.length - 1;
return (batchId_, batch_);
Low. The batch data can still be retrieved using getBatch()
Assign the latest batch to batch_
before returning it.
Developer Response
Won’t fix, no longer relevant.
7. Low - TickerOperator
is missing the receive
should be able to receive ETH but it is missing receive
Technical Details
must pay a fee to HeroglyphRelay
. It can do it via fee-payer contract or it can do it internally by sending ETH to the relayer.
The contract TickerOperator
first must receive ETH to pay the fee with ETH, but the contract is missing the receive
function, meaning that it can never receive ETH and, in the end, cannot pay the fee.
Low. TickerOperator
cannot receive ETH and pay the fee.
Add the receive
function to the TickerOperator
contract. Add the following test to TickerOperatorTest
that verifies the contract can receive ETH and pay the fee:
function test_repayHeroglyph_payInternally() external prankAs(owner) {
vm.deal(address(owner), FEE);
address(underTest).call{ value: FEE }("");
assertEq(address(underTest).balance, FEE, "Missing funds");
assertEq(address(underTest).balance, 0, "Fee paid");
Developer Response
Fixed in commit bbe668dcb4550302396d221159bf2826b1d3799f.
8. Low - Verify feeCollector
is not address zero
Setting invalid protocol configuration parameters, like feeCollector
, could block users from transferring tokens.
Technical Details
For all cross-chain interactions, OFT20Ticker
is minting a fee to feeCollector
. If the feeCollector
is set to address zero and cross-chain fee is set, it will revert with ERC20InvalidReceiver
because the fee cannot be minted to address zero.
Low. Setting feeCollector
to address zero will block transferring tokens to other chains via LayerZero if the cross-chain fee is set.
Require that the feeCollector
cannot be set to address zero or skip minting fees if the address is not set.
Developer Response
Fixed in commit bbe668dcb4550302396d221159bf2826b1d3799f.
9. Low - Any ETH sent by mistake will be lost
When an ERC20 token is set as the inputToken
, the buy()
function inside KeyOFT721.sol does not refund any mistakenly sent ETH to the users.
Technical Details
KeyOFT721 tokens can be purchased using either ETH or an ERC20 token.
function buy() external payable {
if (cost == 0) revert CannotBeBoughtHere();
uint256 cacheTotalSupply = totalSupply + 1;
if (address(inputToken) == address(0) && msg.value != cost) revert InvalidAmount();
if (address(inputToken) != address(0) && !inputToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, treasury, cost)) {
revert FailedToTransfer();
// ...
_sendNative(treasury, msg.value, true);
Since there are no checks on msg.value
when an ERC20 token is used, any ETH sent by mistake will be sent to the treasury, resulting in a loss for the user.
Low. Mistakenly sent ETH is not returned to the users when they buy KeyOFT721 tokens.
Require that no ETH is sent if an ERC20 token is to be used.
- if (address(inputToken) != address(0) && !inputToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, treasury, cost)) {
- revert FailedToTransfer();
- }
+ if (address(inputToken) != address(0)) {
+ if (msg.value != 0) revert InvalidAmount();
+ if (!inputToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, treasury, cost)) revert FailedToTransfer();
+ }
Developer Response
Fixed in commit bbe668dcb4550302396d221159bf2826b1d3799f.
Gas Saving Findings
1. Gas - Use simple comparison
Using a compound comparison such as ≥ or ≤ uses more gas than a simple comparison check like >, <, or ==. Compound comparison operators can be replaced with simple ones for gas savings.
Technical Details
The following function can use simpler comparison checks:
OZ also uses simple comparison for deadline timestamps.
Gas savings.
Replace compound comparison operators with simple ones for gas savings.
Developer Response
2. Gas - Fetch validator name only if needed
The validator name is fetched but never used. Fetch data only if needed.
Technical Details
The fetching validator name can be removed from the following function:
Gas savings.
Remove fetching the validator name when it is unnecessary, as suggested above.
Developer Response
Fixed in ValidatorIdentityV2.
3. Gas - Remove double-checks
In some places, there are double checks for the same value. Removing duplicated checks will save gas.
Technical Details
The following lines can be removed:
- Ticker.sol#L130 because
cannot be address zero, the functionownerOf()
will revert in that case. - Ticker.sol#L254 because
is already verified in the functions before. - Ticker.sol#L142 because
checks zero amount. - HeroglyphRelay.sol#L159 because it is already verified that the address cannot be zero.
Gas savings.
Remove duplicated checks.
Developer Response
4. Gas - Remove unused params
Some function parameters inside the struct can be removed for gas savings.
Technical Details
The struct TickerCreation
has param gasLimit
which is never used.
Gas savings.
Remove unused params for gas savings.
Developer Response
Fixed in the recent versions.
5. Gas - Cache values outside of the loop
When iterating over an array, it is recommended to cache the array length and other values outside of the loop to avoid unnecessary gas costs.
Technical Details
Values that can be cached outside the loop:
Also, consider initializing the variables outside the loop if the value is set in each loop iteration.
Gas savings.
Cache specified values before entering the loop.
Developer Response
Won’t fix, no longer relevant.
6. Gas - Simplify calculating ticker operator gas fee
The function getExecutionNativeFee()
is used to calculate the gas fee that needs to be paid by the ticker operator. The fee calculation can be simplified for gas savings.
Technical Details
The state variable startGasTicker
can be removed and replace with gasLimitPerTicker
because it is always set to this value using function param _gasLimit
Gas savings.
Remove state variable startGasTicker
Developer Response
Fixed in commit bbe668dcb4550302396d221159bf2826b1d3799f.
7. Gas - Use mapping instead of an array
Using mapping instead of an array will give noticeable gas savings.
Technical Details
The contract Ticker
uses the array to track identities
and map token id to TickerMetadata
. This array can be changed to mapping to provide the same functionality with gas savings.
Also, the contract ValidatorIdentity
uses the array identities
in the same way and can be switched to using mapping for gas savings.
Gas savings.
Use mapping instead of an array if possible.
The function _create()
returns tokenId
which can be used as mapping key. Change _executeCreate()
to use mapping:
function _executeCreate(string memory _name) internal {
- _create(_name, cost);
- identities.push(Identifier({ name: _name, tokenReceiver: msg.sender }));
+ uint256 tokenId = _create(_name, cost);
+ identities[tokenId] = Identifier({ name: _name, tokenReceiver: msg.sender });
Gas savings from the provided tests when using mapping instead of array identities
in Ticker
and ValidatorIdentity
test_create_whenMsgValueIsUnderCost_thenRevert() (gas: -6 (-0.019%))
test_createWithSignature_givenWrongSigner_thenReverts() (gas: -11 (-0.028%))
test_updateProtectionTime_asOwner_givenLessThanOneMinute_thenReverts() (gas: -6 (-0.039%))
test_createWithSignature_givenNotSameArgThanSignature_thenReverts() (gas: -20 (-0.051%))
test_transferTicker_givenIdZero_thenReverts() (gas: -9 (-0.060%))
test_updateProtectionTime_asUser_thenReverts() (gas: 10 (0.063%))
test_createWithSignature_givenExpiredSignature_thenReverts() (gas: -14 (-0.071%))
test_updateProtectionTime_asOwner_thenUpdates() (gas: -26 (-0.110%))
test_createWithImmune_asUser_thenReverts() (gas: -26 (-0.122%))
test_constructor_thenContractWellConfigured() (gas: -10575 (-0.413%))
test_toggleDelegation_thenDisableDelegation() (gas: -5775 (-1.370%))
test_hijack_whenProtectionAndImmuneEnds_thenHijacks() (gas: -6055 (-1.376%))
test_constructor_thenContractWellConfigured() (gas: -30909 (-1.492%))
test_create_thenCreateTinkerAndMint() (gas: -5951 (-1.544%))
test_acceptDelegation_thenBecomesDelegateeAndUpdateAddressReceiver() (gas: -5495 (-1.639%))
test_withdrawDeposit_whenReentrancy_thenReverts() (gas: -5303 (-1.649%))
test_create_thenCreateValidatorIdentityAndMint() (gas: -5946 (-1.654%))
test_acceptDelegation_whenDoesNotPayTheCost_thenReverts() (gas: -5286 (-1.658%))
test_retrieveDelegation_thenRetrieves() (gas: -4315 (-1.665%))
test_retrieveDelegation_whenEnabled_thenEmitsEvent() (gas: -4315 (-1.666%))
test_acceptDelegation_whenFailToSendEth_thenReverts() (gas: -5394 (-1.688%))
test_acceptDelegation_givenId_thenBecomesDelegateeAndUpdateAddressReceiver() (gas: -5737 (-1.705%))
test_delegate_thenCreatesDelegation() (gas: -5394 (-1.710%))
test_retrieveDelegation_givenId_whenEnabled_thenEmitsEvent() (gas: -4507 (-1.734%))
test_delegate_whenNoNFTOwner_thenReverts() (gas: -5286 (-1.740%))
test_delegate_givenId_thenCreatesDelegation() (gas: -5633 (-1.780%))
test_acceptDelegation_whenDelegationDisabled_thenRevert() (gas: -5286 (-1.848%))
test_retrieveDelegation_whenDelegationPeriodNotOver_thenReverts() (gas: -5394 (-1.849%))
test_updateDelegationWalletReceiver_whenNotDelegatee_thenReverts() (gas: -5515 (-1.852%))
test_updateDelegationWalletReceiver_thenUpdatesReceiverAddress() (gas: -5724 (-1.852%))
test_updateDelegationWalletReceiver_whenDelegationPeriodOver_thenReverts() (gas: -5394 (-1.855%))
test_acceptDelegation_whenEndDelegationisStillActive_thenReverts() (gas: -5394 (-1.855%))
test_toggleDelegation_whenNotOwner_thenReverts() (gas: -5286 (-1.876%))
test_retrieveDelegation_whenNotOriginalOwner_thenReverts() (gas: -5286 (-1.877%))
test_hijack_whenTaxIsHigherThanDeposit_thenReturnNothingToOwnerAndTransfer() (gas: -5862 (-2.164%))
test_hijack_whenDepositRemaining_thenRefundsCurrentOwnerAndTransfer() (gas: -6062 (-2.175%))
test_hijack_whenSendingUnderPriceValue_thenReverts() (gas: -5320 (-2.204%))
test_hijack_whenProtectionStillActive_thenReverts() (gas: -5322 (-2.265%))
test_increaseDeposit_thenPaysDebtAndUpdates() (gas: -6018 (-2.327%))
test_updatePrice_whenTaxHigherDeposit_givenMsgValueToPayTax_thenUpdates() (gas: -6022 (-2.365%))
test_updateTicker_whenUnderwater_thenReverts() (gas: -5420 (-2.367%))
test_increaseDeposit_whenTaxHigherDepositButNotHigherWithExtra_thenUpdates() (gas: -6039 (-2.377%))
test_increaseDeposit_whenTaxHigherDepositAndExtra_thenReverts() (gas: -5439 (-2.391%))
test_updatePrice_givenMsgValue_whenTaxHigherDepositButNotEnoughWithMsgValue_thenReverts() (gas: -5430 (-2.393%))
test_withdrawDeposit_whenTaxHigherDeposit_thenReverts() (gas: -5424 (-2.397%))
test_increaseDeposit_givenId_thenPaysDebtAndUpdates() (gas: -6164 (-2.404%))
test_payTax_givenEnoughDeposit_thenUpdates() (gas: -5985 (-2.424%))
test_hijack_whenIsImmune_thenReverts() (gas: -4933 (-2.472%))
test_payTax_givenNotEnoughDeposit_thenSurrender() (gas: -5852 (-2.477%))
test_updateReceiverAddress_thenUpdatesTokenReceiver() (gas: -5710 (-2.566%))
test_withdrawDeposit_thenWithdrawsAmount() (gas: -5979 (-2.574%))
test_createWithSignature_givenValidSignature_thenCreates() (gas: -5269 (-2.590%))
test_updateReceiverAddress_asNoneIdentifier_thenReverts() (gas: -5289 (-2.594%))
test_createWithImmune_asOwner_thenCreatesAndVerifyImmunity() (gas: -5416 (-2.597%))
test_createWithSignature_givenValidSignature_thenCreates() (gas: -5388 (-2.605%))
test_trySurrender_givenDepositZero_thenSurrender() (gas: -5304 (-2.614%))
test_updateTicker_thenUpdatesTokenReceiver() (gas: -6001 (-2.633%))
test_transferTicker_thenTransfers() (gas: -5494 (-2.649%))
test_updateTicker_asNoneIdentifier_thenReverts() (gas: -5301 (-2.656%))
test_withdrawDeposit_asNonIdentityOwner_thenReverts() (gas: -5281 (-2.666%))
test_increaseDeposit_asNonIdentityOwner_thenReverts() (gas: -5158 (-2.691%))
test_transferFrom_thenReverts() (gas: -5169 (-2.693%))
test_delegate_givenZeroMonth_thenReverts() (gas: -5168 (-2.696%))
test_transferTicker_givenWrongCurrentOwner_thenReverts() (gas: -5301 (-2.700%))
test_withdrawDeposit_whenAmountIsHigherThanDeposit_thenReverts() (gas: -5294 (-2.713%))
test_trySurrender_givenDepositHigherThanZero_thenIgnores() (gas: -5163 (-2.716%))
test_hijack_givenNewPriceZero_thenReverts() (gas: -5286 (-2.726%))
test_updatePrice_asNonIdentityOwner_thenReverts() (gas: -5277 (-2.739%))
test_hijack_whenTickerNotFound_thenReverts() (gas: -5312 (-2.745%))
test_updatePrice_thenUpdates() (gas: -6014 (-2.748%))
test_getTickerMetadata_givenId_whenTaxDebtIsNotOverDeposit_thenReturnsFalseToShouldBeSurrender() (gas: -5384 (-2.779%))
test_getTickerMetadata_givenId_whenTaxDebtOverDeposit_thenReturnsTrueToShouldBeSurrender() (gas: -5384 (-2.785%))
test_hijack_givenHisOwnTicker_thenReverts() (gas: -5312 (-2.797%))
test_updatePrice_whenPriceIsZero_thenReverts() (gas: -5300 (-2.801%))
test_withdrawDeposit_whenDepositIsZeroAfterWithdraw_thenSurrenders() (gas: -5672 (-2.828%))
test_payTax_givenIdZero_thenReverts() (gas: -2112 (-16.247%))
Developer Response
8. Gas - Use SendNativeHelper
only if needed
Abstract SendNativeHelper
is used for sending tokens and manages actions in case of reversion or tracking. If the contract doesn’t need tracking functionality, it is cheaper to use only the native send function.
Technical Details
Contracts that implement SendNativeHelper
but don’t need tracking functionality:
These contracts don’t need tracking because they always revert if sending a native token fails.
Gas savings.
Use SendNativeHelper
only when tracking failed transfers are needed.
Developer Response
Informational Findings
1. Informational - Extract duplicated code into a function
Duplicated code should be extracted into the function to improve code readability and security.
Technical Details
The contract ValidatorIdentity
has a lot duplicated code when defining NFT id and name:
if (_nftId == 0) {
_nftId = identityIds[_name];
} else {
_name = identities[_nftId].name;
This code can be extracted into the function and used like (_nftId, _name) = _getNftIdAndName(_nftId, _name);
instead of copying code.
function _getNftIdAndName(uint256 _nftId, string memory _name) private view returns (uint256, string memory) {
if (_nftId == 0) {
_nftId = identityIds[_name];
} else {
_name = identities[_nftId].name;
return (_nftId, _name);
The same duplicated code is in Ticker
contract. The exact recommended function can be used here.
Extract duplicated code and use functions.
Developer Response
2. Informational - Typos
Typos were found in the codebase.
Technical Details
- origina;
- Tagerted and here
- depolsit
- surrended should be surrendered
- TickerSurrended
- traking
- Indentity
- implmented
- totaltOfExecutions_ also in interface
- grafiti
- OFT721 should be KeyOFT721
Fix typos.
Developer Response
3. Informational - Unused imports
There are unused imports that can be safely removed.
Technical Details
Remove unused imports.
Developer Response
4. Informational - Verify NameFilter
Verify NameFilter
address is not zero before setting the new value.
Technical Details
Updating the NameFilter
to address zero will break the flow to create ValidatorIdentitys and Tickers because name must be verified before minting using NameFilter.
Before updating the nameFilter
variable, verify the new value does not have the zero address.
Developer Response
5. Informational - Several two-byte-character checks are useless in NameFilter.sol
When asserting that a name is valid inside isNameValidWithIndexError()
, multiple useless checks on two-byte characters will always pass.
Technical Details
Two-byte characters are stored in charValue
before their validity is checked.
charValue = (uint16(uint8(strBytes[index]) & 0x1F) << 6) | (uint16(uint8(strBytes[index + 1])) & 0x3F);
As a result of the bit operations applied, charValue
will be a value between 0 and 0x07FF (the latter is obtained by doing 0x1F << 6 | 0x3F
All checks that are outside the range above are redundant.
Review the charValue
calculation, and if that’s correct, remove the redundant checks.
Developer Response
6. Informational - Incomplete NatSpec
NatSpec needs to be completed in some places. Provide the full info to enable easier integrations.
Technical Details
- Variable
in struct TickerMetadata is missing NatSpec information. - Missing return value for
. - Missing external function description
. Also, specify that themsg.sender
must implementreceive()
function to receive the refund. - Missing NatSpec for interface
. - Missing NatSpec for contract
. - Missing NatSpec for interface
. - Missing NatSpec for external functions in the contract
Provide complete NatSpec information for easier integrations.
Developer Response
7. Informational - Emit event on every tax paid
Sometimes, the event TaxPaid
will not be emitted even if part of the tax has been paid.
Technical Details
When the tax needed is above deposit amount, only part of the tax will be paid. It will only emit FailedToPayTax
with the difference between total tax needed and paid tax amount.
Emit the event TaxPaid
for every transaction for which tax has been paid to enable better on-chain analytics. Move the emitting event TaxPaid
outside the else
statement. The tax
value will be correct because it is capped to the deposit
amount in the if
emit FailedToPayTax(_tickerId, _ticker.name, tax - deposit, lastTimeTaxPaidWithBalance);
tax = deposit;
deposit = 0;
} else {
_ticker.lastTimeTaxPaid = uint32(block.timestamp);
deposit -= uint128(tax);
- emit TaxPaid(_tickerId, _ticker.name, tax, uint32(block.timestamp));
+ emit TaxPaid(_tickerId, _ticker.name, tax, uint32(block.timestamp));
Developer Response
8. Informational - Ticker price can be 0 on creation
The Ticker price can be set to 0 during creation, but it must not be zero in other calls that update the Ticker price.
Technical Details
There is a check placed inside hijack()
and updatePrice()
to enforce positive prices but there is no such check when the Ticker is first created. This can be used to make the taxes always zero, at least until the protectionInSeconds
passes; after that, the Ticker can be hijacked.
The functions create()
, createWithImmune()
and createWithSignature()
all use _executeCreate()
to effectively create a Ticker but without any check if the price
value is zero.
function _executeCreate(TickerCreation calldata _tickerCreation, uint32 _immunityDuration) private {
string memory tickerName = _tickerCreation.name;
uint128 price = _tickerCreation.setPrice;
if (msg.value < cost) revert NotEnough();
_create(tickerName, 0);
// ...
price: price,
deposit: uint128(msg.value)
Check that the price
is positive inside _executeCreate()
Also, consider setting a minimum price
so the taxes aren’t negligible within the protectionInSeconds
Developer Response
Fixed in commit bbe668dcb4550302396d221159bf2826b1d3799f.
9. Informational - Replace magic numbers with constants
Constant variables should be used instead of magic numbers to prevent typos and better explain such values.
Technical Details
The following numbers could be defined as private constants to explain their value:
Use constant variables instead of magic numbers. This will not change gas consumption.
Developer Response
Acknowledged, most of them are already replaced to variable.
10. Informational - Heroglyph epochs are never marked as completed
Within _addAttestationRoot()
, epochs are not marked as completed once a new epoch starts.
Technical Details
The isCompleted
property will always be false
for all epochs.
Informational. The isCompleted
property of the epochs doesn’t seem to be used within the protocol.
Mark epochs as completed when starting a new epoch.
function _addAttestationRoot(uint256 _epochNumber, uint256 _blockMinted, bytes32 _root) internal {
AttestationEpoch storage epoch = attestationEpochs[_epochNumber];
if (epoch.blockNumbers.length < MAX_BLOCK_PER_EPOCH) return;
+ epoch.isCompleted = true;
AttestationEpoch({ blockNumbers: new uint256[](0), blockAttestorsRoot: new bytes32[](0), isCompleted: false })
emit EpochUpdated(_epochNumber + 1);
Developer Response
Won’t fix, no longer relevant.
11. Informational - Prefer using Ownable2Step instead of Ownable
The contract Ownable2Step introduces a mechanism that prevents accidental transfer of contract ownership to an incorrect address. This is achieved by requiring the recipient of owner permission to actively accept the transfer through a contract call of its own.
Technical Details
Contracts that could switch to using Ownable2Step:
Use Ownable2Step instead of Ownable.
Developer Response
12. Informational - Missing event emits
Some functions that transfer values or modify state variables do not have events. Events can assist with analyzing contracts’ on-chain history and are beneficial for adding to important functions.
Technical Details
Functions that are missing events:
Add events to the functions listed above.
Developer Response
13. Informational - Avoid duplicated code
By reducing code duplication, the codebase will be easier to maintain and less error-prone.
Technical Details
The function estimateFee()
uses the same code: abi.encode(_to, _toSharedDecimals(_amountOrId))
as the internal function _generateMessage()
function estimateFee(uint32 _dstEid, address _to, uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (uint256) {
- return _estimateFee(_dstEid, abi.encode(_to, _toSharedDecimals(_tokenId)), defaultLzOption).nativeFee;
+ return _estimateFee(_dstEid, _generateMessage(_to, _tokenId), defaultLzOption).nativeFee;
Use internal functions instead of duplicated code.
Developer Response
Fixed in commit bbe668dcb4550302396d221159bf2826b1d3799f.
14. Informational - Use type(uint256).max
instead of 0
to indicate unlimited supply
Several token contracts use maxSupply == 0
to indicate an unlimited token supply. This behavior can lead to confusion when reading the code and querying the contract state.
Technical Details
The following contracts should be updated so that unlimited supply is represented with a big number (e.g., type(uint256).max
) instead of being represented with 0
Use type(uint256).max)
instead of 0
to represent an unlimited token supply.
Developer Response
15. Informational - Off-by-one error in _executeAction()
Due to the use of >
instead of >=
in _executeAction()
, calls might revert instead of succeeding as intended.
Technical Details
The _index
parameter is used to access the allActions
function _executeAction(uint32 _srcLzEndpoint, address _of, uint256 _index) internal returns (uint256 amountDue_) {
RequireAction[] storage allActions = requireActions[_srcLzEndpoint][_of];
uint256 totalActions = allActions.length;
if (totalActions == 0 || _index > totalActions) return 0;
totalActions -= 1;
RequireAction storage action = allActions[_index];
// ...
The code returns 0 if _index > totalActions
, but the correct condition to check would be _index >= totalActions
Otherwise, if _index == totalActions
, the transaction will revert due to an out-of-bounds access on the allActions
Use >=
instead of >
- if (totalActions == 0 || _index > totalActions) return 0;
+ if (totalActions == 0 || _index >= totalActions) return 0;
Developer Response
Fixed in commit bbe668dcb4550302396d221159bf2826b1d3799f.
16. Informational - Some tokens do not return a bool value on transfer
Some commonly used ERC20 tokens, like USDT, don’t return a bool value on transfer, which requires additional changes to enable their usage.
Technical Details
uses standard ERC20.transferFrom()
function which expects return value but tokens that are missing return value, this call will revert.
For more info about tokens that are missing return values, check weird ERC20.
Informational. Some ERC20 tokens, like USDT, cannot be used as input tokens for buying KeyOFT721
Use OZ function safeTransferFrom()
which handles tokens that don’t return a bool value on transfer.
if (address(inputToken) != address(0)) {
inputToken.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, treasury, cost);
Developer Response
Fixed in commit bbe668dcb4550302396d221159bf2826b1d3799f.
17. Informational - Suggest the array of indexes are sent in descending order
The array of indexes is used for an array that changes length, which can lead to unintended behavior.
Technical Details
The array of indexes from the param _indexes
defines indexes of requireActions
that will be executed. After execution, the element with a specified index is replaced with the last element from the index and the last one, that was executed, is removed from the array. This can cause problems if the _indexes
are not defined in a way that accounts for the fact that some elements may change the index after each action.
Add NatSpec for functions claimAction()
and forgiveDebt()
with suggestion to order array _indexes
in descending order.
Developer Response
18. Informational - Adjustable epoch size
The attestation epochs are stored in the array elements that contain an array of blocks which maximum size is defined with the constant MAX_BLOCK_PER_EPOCH.
Technical Details
The constant defines the maximum number of elements in the array, set to 200. This number could be too high for future integrations. Changing this constant to a variable that can be changed will allow future changes if the array size becomes a problem.
Define epoch size as the variable and add onlyOwner
function for updates to enable future changes.
Developer Response
Won’t fix, this flow no longer exists.
Final remarks
Heroglyphs created an innovative solution for using graffiti data defined inside the mined block by the block producers. It enables validators to create identities and attach tickers. The user specifies the ticker price and, to keep it, they have to pay taxes following a Harberger Tax model. Other users can hijack the ticker by paying the price set by the owner. Tickers define the operator contract that will be executed if they are included in the graffiti of a mined block. The relayer provides graffiti information, and ticker operators will be triggered during this process. Additionally, the protocol uses LayerZero to enable cross-chain communication and minting of Omnichain Fungible Tokens (OFT). The system also rewards the validators who didn’t mine but attested to the block with Attestations, which are OFT tokens. This part was in the refactoring phase, and the end idea needed to be clarified.