yAudit MarginZero Review
Review Resources:
- Code repository
- Panda
Table of Contents
- Review Summary
- Scope
- Code Evaluation Matrix
- Findings Explanation
- Critical Findings
- High Findings
- Medium Findings
- Low Findings
- 1. Low - Hooks can block traders from settling their options
- 2. Low - Missing slippage checks when adding and removing liquidity
- 3. Low - Unsafe use of
- 4. Low -
will not return the correct pool on ZKsync - 5. Low - Missing sweep functions
- 6. Low - Option’s positions can be split after expiry
- 7. Low - Incomplete slippage check in
- 8. Low - No minimum size for options
- Gas Saving Findings
- 1. Gas - Functions with unused parameters
- 2. Gas - Pass on
results to the next call - 3. Gas - Useless liquidity calculation in
- 4. Gas - Unused variable in
- 5. Gas - Function state mutability can be restricted to view
- 6. Gas - Structs can be packed into fewer storage slots
- 7. Gas - State variables only set in the constructor should be declared
- Informational Findings
- 1. Informational - Missing variables in natspec
- 2. Informational - Simplify
- 3. Informational -
can change - 4. Informational - Make sure the array length matches
- 5. Informational - Function state mutability can be restricted to pure
- 6. Informational - Missing event for state variable change
- 7. Informational - Unused import
- Final remarks
Review Summary
MarginZero provides an options trading platform built on top of Uniswap v3.
The contracts of the MarginZero Repo were reviewed over nine days. Two auditors performed the code review between October 21st and October 31st, 2024. The repository was under active development during the review, but the review was limited to the latest commit for the MarginZero repo.
The scope of the review consisted of the following contracts at the specific commit:
├── PositionManager.sol
├── apps
│ ├── options
│ │ ├── OptionMarketOTMFE.sol
│ │ └── pricing
│ │ ├── OptionPricingLinearV2.sol
│ │ └── fees
│ │ ├── ClammFeeStrategyV2.sol
├── handlers
│ ├── V3BaseHandler.sol
│ ├── hooks
│ │ └── BoundedTTLHook_0day.sol
│ └── uniswap-v3
│ ├── LiquidityManager.sol
│ └── UniswapV3Handler.sol
├── swapper
│ ├── OnSwapReceiver.sol
│ ├── OneInchSwapper.sol
│ ├── SwapRouterSwapper.sol
After the findings were presented to the MarginZero team, fixes were made and included in several PRs.
This review is a code review to identify potential vulnerabilities in the code. The reviewers did not investigate security practices or operational security and assumed that privileged accounts could be trusted. The reviewers did not evaluate the security of the code relative to a standard or specification. The review may not have identified all potential attack vectors or areas of vulnerability.
yAudit and the auditors make no warranties regarding the security of the code and do not warrant that the code is free from defects. yAudit and the auditors do not represent nor imply to third parties that the code has been audited nor that the code is free from defects. By deploying or using the code, MarginZero and users of the contracts agree to use the code at their own risk.
Code Evaluation Matrix
Category | Mark | Description |
Access Control | Good | The contracts implement proper access control mechanisms with owner-only functions for critical operations and whitelisting. |
Mathematics | Good | The mathematical operations for options pricing and liquidity calculations are implemented correctly, considering precision and overflows properly. Some minor improvements could be made to the fee calculations. |
Complexity | Good | The codebase follows established patterns from Uniswap V3 and maintains reasonable complexity. The options trading logic is well-structured and modular. |
Libraries | Good | The contracts make good use of established libraries. External dependencies are minimal and well-vetted. |
Decentralization | Low | The centralized settlement process could block users’ funds. This creates a central point of failure that could impact users’ ability to exit positions. |
Code stability | Good | The codebase appears stable with good test coverage. |
Documentation | Good | The code is well documented, with clear NatSpec comments explaining the functionality. |
Monitoring | Average | While basic events are implemented, some key state changes lack events, making monitoring more difficult. |
Testing and verification | Good | The contracts have comprehensive test coverage. |
Findings Explanation
Findings are broken down into sections by their respective impact:
- Critical, High, Medium, Low impact
- These are findings that range from attacks that may cause loss of funds, impact control/ownership of the contracts, or cause any unintended consequences/actions that are outside the scope of the requirements.
- Gas savings
- Findings that can improve the gas efficiency of the contracts.
- Informational
- Findings including recommendations and best practices.
Critical Findings
High Findings
1. High - cache.sqrtPriceX96
is not set when creating sub-positions
Technical Details
In the function _splitPosition()
the liquidity is burned and then added back into multiple sub positions allowing traders to find the best strike for them.
When depositing back into sub positions, the function will calculate the liquidity to be deposited using LiquidityAmounts.getLiquidityForAmounts()
, which takes the current tick sqrtPriceX96
as a parameter. Instead of querying the current price, the function uses cache.sqrtPriceX96
, which is not set; this means the call will be made with a price of 0.
The underlying function addLiquidity()
recalculates the liquidity to be added before calling pool.mint()
The result is that the _splitPosition()
will use a different amount of liquidity than was added. If the liquidity stored is less than what was added, the liquidity provider will lose some of his liquidity. If the liquidity stored is more than what was added, the liquidity provider and trader might run into an underflow when removing the whole position. If other liquidity providers have liquidity at the same ticks, one might withdraw more than he should at the cost of other liquidity providers.
Poc: Copy and paste in UniswapV3Handler.t.sol
and run forge test --mt testSplitPositionZero -vvv
function testSplitPositionZero() public {
TestVars memory vars;
// Get current price and tick
(vars.sqrtPriceX96, vars.currentTick,,,,,) = pool.slot0();
int24 tickSpacing = pool.tickSpacing();
// Calculate tick range that spans the current tick
int24 initialTickLower = ((vars.currentTick / tickSpacing) * tickSpacing) - 100 * tickSpacing;
int24 initialTickUpper = ((vars.currentTick / tickSpacing) * tickSpacing) + 100 * tickSpacing;
// Define split ticks
int24[] memory splitTicks = new int24[](4);
splitTicks[0] = initialTickLower;
splitTicks[1] = initialTickLower + (initialTickUpper - initialTickLower) / 4;
splitTicks[2] = initialTickLower + (initialTickUpper - initialTickLower) / 2;
splitTicks[3] = initialTickUpper;
// Set initial amounts
uint256 amount0Desired = 10000 * 10 ** 6; // 10,000 USDC
uint256 amount1Desired = 5 * 10 ** 18; // 5 ETH
onMint: false,
onBurn: false,
onUse: false,
onUnuse: false,
onDonate: false,
allowSplit: true
// Mint initial position
USDC.mint(owner, amount0Desired);
ETH.mint(owner, amount1Desired);
USDC.approve(address(positionManager), amount0Desired);
ETH.approve(address(positionManager), amount1Desired);
vars.liquidity = LiquidityAmounts.getLiquidityForAmounts(
V3BaseHandler.MintPositionParams memory mintParams = V3BaseHandler.MintPositionParams({
pool: IV3Pool(address(pool)),
hook: address(1),
tickLower: initialTickLower,
tickUpper: initialTickUpper,
liquidity: vars.liquidity
console.log("Initial liquidity at the 3 sub positions");
for (uint256 i = 0; i < splitTicks.length - 1; i++) {
(uint256 liquidity,,,,) = pool.positions(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(address(handler), splitTicks[i], splitTicks[i + 1])));
positionManager.mintPosition(IHandler(address(handler)), abi.encode(mintParams, ""));
vars.tokenId =
handler.getHandlerIdentifier(abi.encode(address(pool), address(1), initialTickLower, initialTickUpper));
console.log("initial liquidity added");
(uint128 liquidity,,,,,,,,,) = handler.tokenIds(vars.tokenId);
console.log("initial real liquidity added");
(liquidity,,,,) = pool.positions(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(address(handler), initialTickLower, initialTickUpper)));
// Split position
V3BaseHandler.SplitPositionParams memory splitParams = V3BaseHandler.SplitPositionParams({
user: owner,
pool: IV3Pool(address(pool)),
hook: address(1),
tickLower: initialTickLower,
tickUpper: initialTickUpper,
tickSplits: splitTicks
bytes memory splitData = abi.encode(V3BaseHandler.WildcardActions.SPLIT_POSITION, abi.encode(splitParams));
positionManager.wildcard(IHandler(address(handler)), splitData);
// Check new positions
for (uint256 i = 0; i < splitTicks.length - 1; i++) {
uint256 currentTokenId =
handler.getHandlerIdentifier(abi.encode(address(pool), address(1), splitTicks[i], splitTicks[i + 1]));
console.log("Liquidity of sub position handler think it has");
console.log(handler.balanceOf(owner, currentTokenId));
(uint256 liquidity,,,,) = pool.positions(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(address(handler), splitTicks[i], splitTicks[i + 1])));
console.log("Actual liquidity of sub position");
assertEq(handler.balanceOf(owner, vars.tokenId), 0, "Initial position should be burned");
Use the return value from the addLiquidity()
Developer Response
Fix - 1ca556da190c89bdb51a2837e5c6384adbc9b8cf and bc4bc1c99cfd801cb5d1874ee393b557ec234e77
Medium Findings
1. Medium - _splitPosition()
will not add back all the liquidity (especially when the current price is in range)
Technical Details
In the function _splitPosition() the liquidity is burned and then added back into multiple sub positions allowing traders to find the best strike for them.
1 - When depositing back into sub positions, the function will compute liquidity per ticks for each asset: token A and token B. Using the full amount of liquidity removed and the total amount of ticks. When the price is in range, the liquidity removed will be a mix of 2 tokens. When adding back the liquidity, the ticks below the current price will only take one token, and those above will only take the other. However, the current implementation will try to add the same share of tokens A and B per sub positions instead of just adding the token needed, depending on whether we’re above or below the price.
This will result in less liquidity added back; the tokens will be sent back to the liquidity provider. This can be annoying as it allows a malicious user to remove a part of the liquidity available, which will reduce the volume and the potential fees for users and the protocol.
Poc: Copy and paste in UniswapV3Handler.t.sol
and run forge test --mt testSplitPositionLess -vvv
function testSplitPositionLessLiquidity() public {
TestVars memory vars;
// Get current price and tick
(vars.sqrtPriceX96, vars.currentTick,,,,,) = pool.slot0();
int24 tickSpacing = pool.tickSpacing();
// Calculate tick range that spans the current tick
int24 initialTickLower = ((vars.currentTick / tickSpacing) * tickSpacing) - 100 * tickSpacing;
int24 initialTickUpper = ((vars.currentTick / tickSpacing) * tickSpacing) + 100 * tickSpacing;
// Define split ticks
int24[] memory splitTicks = new int24[](4);
splitTicks[0] = initialTickLower;
splitTicks[1] = initialTickLower + (initialTickUpper - initialTickLower) / 4;
splitTicks[2] = initialTickLower + (initialTickUpper - initialTickLower) / 2;
splitTicks[3] = initialTickUpper;
// Set initial amounts
uint256 amount0Desired = 10000 * 10 ** 6; // 10,000 USDC
uint256 amount1Desired = 5 * 10 ** 18; // 5 ETH
onMint: false,
onBurn: false,
onUse: false,
onUnuse: false,
onDonate: false,
allowSplit: true
// Mint initial position
USDC.mint(owner, amount0Desired);
ETH.mint(owner, amount1Desired);
USDC.approve(address(positionManager), amount0Desired);
ETH.approve(address(positionManager), amount1Desired);
vars.liquidity = LiquidityAmounts.getLiquidityForAmounts(
V3BaseHandler.MintPositionParams memory mintParams = V3BaseHandler.MintPositionParams({
pool: IV3Pool(address(pool)),
hook: address(1),
tickLower: initialTickLower,
tickUpper: initialTickUpper,
liquidity: vars.liquidity
uint256 prevEthBalance = ETH.balanceOf(owner);
uint256 prevUsdcBalance = USDC.balanceOf(owner);
positionManager.mintPosition(IHandler(address(handler)), abi.encode(mintParams, ""));
vars.tokenId =
handler.getHandlerIdentifier(abi.encode(address(pool), address(1), initialTickLower, initialTickUpper));
// Split position
V3BaseHandler.SplitPositionParams memory splitParams = V3BaseHandler.SplitPositionParams({
user: owner,
pool: IV3Pool(address(pool)),
hook: address(1),
tickLower: initialTickLower,
tickUpper: initialTickUpper,
tickSplits: splitTicks
uint256 addedEth = prevEthBalance - ETH.balanceOf(owner);
console.log("Added ETH at initial liquidity");
uint256 addedUsdc = prevUsdcBalance - USDC.balanceOf(owner);
console.log("Added USDC at initial liquidity");
bytes memory splitData = abi.encode(V3BaseHandler.WildcardActions.SPLIT_POSITION, abi.encode(splitParams));
positionManager.wildcard(IHandler(address(handler)), splitData);
assertEq(handler.balanceOf(owner, vars.tokenId), 0, "Initial position should be burned");
uint256 addedEth = prevEthBalance - ETH.balanceOf(owner);
console.log("Added ETH at split");
uint256 addedUsdc = prevUsdcBalance - USDC.balanceOf(owner);
console.log("Added USDC at split");
2 - Additionally, even when out of range, the liquidity will not be added the same way as liquidity is not linear but slightly changes on each tick.
See this test (it can be copy pasted from UniswapV3Handler.t.sol then run forge test –mt testLiquiditySplit -vvv:
function testLiquiditySplit() public {
//setup: tickCurrent: 200311, tickSpacing: 10,desiredAmount0: 100000000e6,desiredAmount1: 100 ether,desiredTickLower: 200010,desiredTickUpper: 201010,
(uint160 sqrtPriceX96, int24 tickCurrent, , , , , ) = pool.slot0();
(uint128 liquidityGross, int128 liquidityNet, , , , , , ) = pool.ticks(200010);//liquidity that was added in the setup
(uint total0,uint total1) = LiquidityAmounts.getAmountsForLiquidity(sqrtPriceX96, TickMath.getSqrtRatioAtTick(200010), TickMath.getSqrtRatioAtTick(201010), liquidityGross);
console.log("token0 and token1 added in the setup:");
uint totalTickAmount0;
console.log("USDC per ticks:");
for (int24 tick = 200320; tick < 201010; tick += 10) {
(uint tickAmount) = LiquidityAmounts.getAmount0ForLiquidity(TickMath.getSqrtRatioAtTick(tick), TickMath.getSqrtRatioAtTick(tick + 10), liquidityGross);
totalTickAmount0 += tickAmount;
uint totalTickAmount1;
console.log("ETH per ticks:");
for (int24 tick = 200010; tick < 200310; tick += 10) {
(uint tickAmount) = LiquidityAmounts.getAmount1ForLiquidity(TickMath.getSqrtRatioAtTick(tick), TickMath.getSqrtRatioAtTick(tick + 10), liquidityGross);
totalTickAmount1 += tickAmount;
(uint amount0InsideCurrentTick, uint amount1InsideCurrentTick) = LiquidityAmounts.getAmountsForLiquidity(sqrtPriceX96, TickMath.getSqrtRatioAtTick(200310), TickMath.getSqrtRatioAtTick(200320), liquidityGross);
console.log("total USDC in the range:");
console.log(totalTickAmount0 + amount0InsideCurrentTick);
console.log("total ETH in the range:");
console.log(totalTickAmount1 + amount1InsideCurrentTick);
assertApproxEqAbs(totalTickAmount0 + amount0InsideCurrentTick, total0, 100); //100wei max precision loss
assertApproxEqAbs(totalTickAmount1 + amount1InsideCurrentTick, total1, 100); //100wei max precision loss
We notice that the USDC and ETH per tick are not equal around the whole range but slightly change for every tick. Because the price changes at every tick, the token amount can’t be the same inside the whole range. It has to change as well.
Because of that, if we calculate the amountPerTick = total / totalTicks, it will not result in the same allocation since the amount per tick is not the same initially.
Medium. The new position’s liquidity and concentration might differ from the initial position.
1 - Each sub position should check if it’s above or below the current tick and add the corresponding token amount back. 2 - Could loop inside the initial range, and for each sub-position, get the sum for each tick inside that sub-position range.
Developer Response
Fixed in:
- 62ac769cce2dba7a3ae1c52f4dc8e896b484063c
- 7e3fcaefdf9054e7de0b11d25afd20cba6478c49
- 84f395cfdd181477859129696b56b127c9284ac8
Acknowledged that the new sub-position’s liquidity might slightly differ from the original position.
2. Medium - inconsistent _feeCalculation()
may lead to inaccurate fees stored
The V3BaseHandler
stores the fees received by the pools. However, in some casese, the fees are not computed or at the wrong moment inside the functions, which can lead to inaccuracy.
Technical Details
The V3BaseHandler
is forked from the Uniswap’s NonfungiblePositionManager
contract. It will hold Univ3 positions created by the users that option traders do not currently borrow.
Both use the same mechanism to compute and store the fees of each pool whenever there is an update to that pool. The NonfungiblePositionManager
does it inside the function while the V3BaseHandler
will call the internal function _feeCalculation()
In the NonfungiblePositionManager
, we can observe that the fees are always updated before the new liquidity is updated. This is important as the fees the position receives depend on its liquidity.
However, in the V3BaseHandler,
there are two functions that don’t implement this correctly:
- The function
doesn’t call_feeCalculation()
after burning the position. - The function
calls the_feeCalculation()
after updating the liquidity instead of calling it before.
This can lead to the wrong amount of fees stored which can lead to a revert of the _collectFees()
function as the contract will try to claim more fees than it has.
Add a _feeCalculation()
call inside _splitPosition()
and update the liquidity after calling _feeCalculation()
inside mintPositionHandler()
Developer Response
Fix - 8d9b9bf3a51fee0109ccaa0798ff7a891745e0e0.
Low Findings
1. Low - Hooks can block traders from settling their options
Technical Details
When adding liquidity, the liquidity providers can input a hook contract. A hook has to be registered before that. Anyone can do it by calling the function registerHook()
The hook will then be called on every interaction with the liquidity. For example, when a trader tries to settle his option to make profits, the hook could revert on purpose.
When a trader buys an option, he can know if a hook is tied to the liquidity he is borrowing from. However, it might not be clear on the front end that a hook is tied and that this hook may block him from settling his option later. This creates a risk for non-technical users who might not check the hook contract or are unaware that a hook is tied to the liquidity they are using.
Consider only displaying liquidity of whitelisted hooks on the frontend or add an onlyOwner
to the registerHook()
Developer Response
Acknowledged. The buyers should be aware of the hooks they are using.
2. Low - Missing slippage checks when adding and removing liquidity
Technical Details
The function mintPosition()
and burnPosition()
don’t have a slippage check.
When adding liquidity if the prices change between the transaction broadcasting and execution, the amount of token A or B pulled from or sent to the user might differ from what the user initially expected.
Similar to the original NonfungiblePositionManager.sol
from Uniswap, add amount0Min
and amount1Min
to the _mintPositionData
and _burnPositionData
parameters and check them against the amount returned by the pool.
Developer Response
Acknowledged. This can be done by router outside core, can be also governed by strict approvals.
3. Low - Unsafe use of transferFrom
and approve
and safeApprove
should be used across the codebase. The code will run on L2, reducing the risk with inconsistent ERC20 tokens. If it was to be deployed on Mainnet, using safeFunction
instead of function
is a must.
Technical Details
On Mainnet, some ERC20s, like USDT, don’t return a boolean. The operation will always fail when using transferFrom()
or approve()
Change the transfer operations to use safeTransferFrom
Developer Response
4. Low - computeAddress()
will not return the correct pool on ZKsync
Technical Details
The function computeAddress()
forked from the original NonfungiblePositionManager()
will not work on ZKsync as the address computation for CREATE
is different. This will make the transaction revert when trying to add liquidity.
Update the function when deploying on ZKsync, you can find the Uniswap’s ZKsync version here.
Developer Response
Acknowledged. We will be careful, when deploying on zksync.
5. Low - Missing sweep functions
The swapper contracts are missing a sweep function.
Technical Details
The OnSwapReceiver contract is owned without any onlyOwner
modifier, it appears the contract is missing a sweep function. A ‘sweep’ function might also benefit the other two swapper contracts.
Add the sweep function when necessary.
Developer Response
Acknowledged, this will be added later.
6. Low - Option’s positions can be split after expiry
Technical Details
The function positionSplitter()
allows to split positions of an option into another option.
However, this can be called even after the option reaches expiry. This could allow a malicious user to move the positions of an option towards another so the settleOption()
calls keep failing and users don’t get their liquidity back.
Revert if the option expires.
Developer Response
Fix - e0e6e9dbe281314cbb108c19d49011f106220946.
7. Low - Incomplete slippage check in mintOption()
Technical Details
The function mintOption()
allows to mint option using liquidity for liquidity providers.
The function implements a check on params.maxCostAllowance
to make sure the user doesn’t pay more fees than expected. But it doesn’t allow the user to specify a max or min tick to revert if the price moved.
The premium will change depending on the current price of the primePool
, so this should help to protect the user against high price variation, but this is incomplete.
Additionally, there is no expiry/max timestamp for the transaction apart from the expiry
of the option itself.
- Adding an expiry timestamp parameter at which the transaction should revert if it’s executed after.
- A tick range parameter should be added that the transaction should revert if
is outside that range.
Developer Response
Acknowledged. This can be handled by the router outside the core. As, it shouldn’t cause any issues rather than fails, I’m okay to keep it the way it is.
8. Low - No minimum size for options
Technical Details
Options can be minted with as much as one wei of liquidity in the function mintOption()
as long as the premium is greater than 0.
While the gas cost might be a blocker for malicious users to spam small options, it is possible to mint an option with more liquidity and then call the function positionSplitter()
to split this option into multiple smaller options. This would make it hard and expensive for the settler bots to settle all of them and might result in some users liquidity getting stuck for some time.
Consider not allowing splitting options below a certain threshold.
Developer Response
Gas Saving Findings
1. Gas - Functions with unused parameters
Some arguments are never used.
Technical Details
File: apps/options/pricing/OptionPricingLinearV2.sol
103: function getOptionPrice(address hook, bool isPut, uint256 expiry, uint256 ttl, uint256 strike, uint256 lastPrice)
135: function getOptionPriceViaTTL(address hook, bool isPut, uint256 ttl, uint256 strike, uint256 lastPrice)
is never used for either of these functions.
Gas savings.
If this is intentional, consider removing or commenting on these arguments from the function. Otherwise, implement the missing logic accordingly.
Developer Response
This is intentional, as we will be using the hook for custom pricing in the future :).
2. Gas - Pass on tokensToPullFor...()
results to the next call
Technical Details
When calling mintPosition()
and unusePosition()
the functions will first call tokensToPullForMint()
and tokensToPullForUnUse()
which compute the amount of token 0 and 1 needed to add liquidity.
Then, the functions transfer them from the msg.sender
and approve the V3BaseHandler
. Finally, it calls the subsequent function on the V3BaseHandler
: mintPositionHandler()
and unusePositionHandler()
. Inside these functions, the amount of token 0 and 1 will be recomputed even though they were already calculated, leading to extra gas usage.
It would be simpler and cheaper to pass them on from the PositionManager
to the V3BaseHandler
as function parameters.
Pass the amount 0 and 1 from the PositionManager
to the V3BaseHandler
as function parameters for mintPosition()
and unusePosition()
Developer Response
Good suggestion, but would need to much refactor at this point and maybe not that much worth it atm.
3. Gas - Useless liquidity calculation in _splitPosition()
Technical Details
In the function _splitPosition()
the loopCache.newLiquidity
is computed using LiquidityAmounts.getLiquidityForAmounts()
and then it adds liquidity using _addLiquidity()
Since the function _addLiquidity()
will recompute the liquidity to be added and return it, it’s unnecessary to call LiquidityAmounts.getLiquidityForAmounts()
before it.
Remove the LiquidityAmounts.getLiquidityForAmounts()
call and use the return value from _addLiquidity()
Developer Response
Fix - bc4bc1c99cfd801cb5d1874ee393b557ec234e77.
4. Gas - Unused variable in mintOption()
Technical Details
The function mintOption()
calculates the liquidity to donate and stores it in a memory variable liquidityToDonate
but never use it.
Remove the calculation and variable.
Developer Response
Fix - c43981e53d99a6553199e5be9ca04a04f5691587.
5. Gas - Function state mutability can be restricted to view
The function doesn’t modify any state.
Technical Details
File: BoundedTTLHook_0day.sol
50: function onPositionUseBefore(bytes calldata _data) external {
Gas savings.
Add the view
function modifier.
Developer Response
There can be operations inside this that might change the state variable in the hook contract, so we can’t keep it as view.
6. Gas - Structs can be packed into fewer storage slots
Each slot saved can avoid an extra Gsset (20000 gas) for the first setting of the struct. Subsequent reads, as well as write,s have smaller gas saving.s
Technical Details
File: OptionMarketOTMFE.sol
// @audit: 1 slot could be saved, by using a different order:
* uint256 opTickArrayLen; // (256 bits)
* uint256 expiry; // (256 bits)
* int24 tickLower; // (24 bits)
* int24 tickUpper; // (24 bits)
* bool isCall; // (8 bits)
31: struct OptionData {
32: uint256 opTickArrayLen;
33: int24 tickLower;
34: int24 tickUpper;
35: uint256 expiry;
36: bool isCall;
37: }
// @audit: 1 slot could be saved, by using a different order:
* struct OptionMarketOTMFE.OptionTicks[] optionTicks; // (256 bits)
* uint256 ttl; // (256 bits)
* uint256 maxCostAllowance; // (256 bits)
* int24 tickLower; // (24 bits)
* int24 tickUpper; // (24 bits)
* bool isCall; // (8 bits)
50: struct OptionParams {
51: OptionTicks[] optionTicks;
52: int24 tickLower;
53: int24 tickUpper;
54: uint256 ttl;
55: bool isCall;
56: uint256 maxCostAllowance;
57: }
// @audit: 1 slot could be saved, by using a different order:
* uint256 totalProfit; // (256 bits)
* uint256 totalAssetRelocked; // (256 bits)
* contract ERC20 assetToUse; // (160 bits)
* bool isSettle; // (8 bits)
* contract ERC20 assetToGet; // (160 bits)
354: struct AssetsCache {
355: ERC20 assetToUse;
356: ERC20 assetToGet;
357: uint256 totalProfit;
358: uint256 totalAssetRelocked;
359: bool isSettle;
360: }
OptionMarketOTMFE.sol#L31, OptionMarketOTMFE.sol#L50, OptionMarketOTMFE.sol#L354
File: V3BaseHandler.sol
// @audit: 1 slot could be saved, by using a different order:
* uint256 userAmount0; // (256 bits)
* uint256 userAmount1; // (256 bits)
* uint256 totalTicks; // (256 bits)
* uint256 amount0PerTick; // (256 bits)
* uint256 amount1PerTick; // (256 bits)
* uint160 sqrtPriceX96; // (160 bits)
* int24 tickSpacing; // (24 bits)
475: struct SplitPositionCache {
476: uint160 sqrtPriceX96;
477: uint256 userAmount0;
478: uint256 userAmount1;
479: int24 tickSpacing;
480: uint256 totalTicks;
481: uint256 amount0PerTick;
482: uint256 amount1PerTick;
483: }
Gas savings.
Reorder the structures.
Developer Response
Fix - 945d1f4e639373beaa3ecfdd9201ae89eb2b0c36.
7. Gas - State variables only set in the constructor should be declared immutable
Technical Details
File: OptionMarketOTMFE.sol
Gas savings.
Use the immutable
variable modifier.
Developer Response
Good suggestion, but this increases the deployment size, so will pass on this.
Informational Findings
1. Informational - Missing variables in natspec
Technical Details
- The function
is missing thettl
parameter in the natspec. - The function
is missing thettl
parameter in the natspec.
Add missing natspec.
Developer Response
2. Informational - Simplify _addLiquidity()
Technical Details
The function _addLiquidity()
can be called with self
as true
or false
. When set to true
, the function will make the contract call itself to modify the msg.sender
To reduce the code quantity and make this simpler, consider making the addLiquidity()
function internal since there is no use for a normal user to call it and add a sender
When the _addLiquidity()
is called with self == true
then input address(this)
as the sender.
Apply the proposed changes.
Developer Response
3. Informational - isAmount0
can change
Technical Details
In the function mintOption()
when removing liquidity, the function check if the amount removed is token 0 or 1 for each position and then update the isAmount0
The issue is that the isAmount0
variable is a boolean and not an array. This means that for every position in the option, the value might get updated to true
or false
Later on, this variable is used when distributing the premium fee. It will use the latest value and not the value found for each position since it’s just a boolean. This won’t cause any issue in the current implementation as the tokens 0 and 1 are just distributed directly on their own. However this is not ideal and may result in errors if the code is updated later.
Consider either making isAmount0
an array and setting it for each position or if all pools are supposed to have the same token order (e.g., all Uniswap forks), then just determine isAmount0
once using the primePool
and not for every position.
Developer Response
It’s require for us to check, as we want to verify the return, and make sure it matches with the assetToUse. It’s gonna be same for all the UniswapV3Pool, we can definitely cache it.
4. Informational - Make sure the array length matches
Technical Details
The array _ttlIV
might not match the length of the _ttls
array. Make sure both lengths match before iterating.
File: OptionPricingLinearV2.sol
64: ttlToVol[_ttls[i]] = _ttlIV[i];
Add a check before iterating over the arrays.
Developer Response
Fix - 750ba3f770f3fe6fcad9f9802920fc9ded45cd82.
5. Informational - Function state mutability can be restricted to pure
Technical Details
File: OptionMarketOTMFE.sol
198: function name() public view override returns (string memory) {
204: function symbol() public view override returns (string memory) {
OptionMarketOTMFE.sol#L198, src/apps/options/OptionMarketOTMFE.sol#L204
File: V3BaseHandler.sol
675: function tokensToPullForWildcard(bytes calldata _data) external view returns (address[] memory, uint256[] memory) {
Use the pure
Developer Response
Good suggestion, but there might be application using the state read, so better to keep it view to make it more generalized.
6. Informational - Missing event for state variable change
It’s recommended to have events when variables that reconfigure the protocol the owner sets are changed.
Technical Details
File: OptionPricingLinearV2.sol
52: function updateIVSetter(address _setter, bool _status) external onlyOwner {
53: ivSetter[_setter] = _status;
54: }
71: function updateVolatilityOffset(uint256 _volatilityOffset) external onlyOwner returns (bool) {
72: volatilityOffset = _volatilityOffset;
74: return true;
75: }
80: function updateVolatilityMultiplier(uint256 _volatilityMultiplier) external onlyOwner returns (bool) {
81: volatilityMultiplier = _volatilityMultiplier;
83: return true;
84: }
89: function updateMinOptionPricePercentage(uint256 _minOptionPricePercentage) external onlyOwner returns (bool) {
90: minOptionPricePercentage = _minOptionPricePercentage;
92: return true;
93: }
OptionPricingLinearV2.sol#L52, OptionPricingLinearV2.sol#L71, OptionPricingLinearV2.sol#L80, OptionPricingLinearV2.sol#L89
File: V3BaseHandler.sol
811: function updateHandlerSettings(
812: address _app,
813: bool _status,
814: address _hook,
815: uint64 _newReserveCooldown,
816: address _newFeeReceiver
817: ) external onlyOwner {
818: if (_app != address(0)) {
819: whitelistedApps[_app] = _status;
820: }
822: reserveCooldownHook[_hook] = _newReserveCooldown;
824: if (_newFeeReceiver != address(0)) {
825: feeReceiver = _newFeeReceiver;
826: }
827: }
File: BoundedTTLHook_0day.sol
77: function updateWhitelistedAppsStatus(address app, bool status) external onlyOwner {
78: whitelistedApps[app] = status;
79: }
Add events.
Developer Response
Good suggestion, but we did it to save storage space, we track these off-chain. So, will pass on this.
7. Informational - Unused import
The identifier is imported but never used within the file.
Technical Details
File: OptionPricingLinearV2.sol
7: import {ABDKMathQuad} from "./external/ABDKMathQuad.sol";
File: LiquidityManager.sol
5: import {IUniswapV3Factory} from "@uniswap/v3-core/contracts/interfaces/IUniswapV3Factory.sol";
Remove the not-used import.
Developer Response
Fix - a64d1b0f6995e9a3e867a09d4d50107475b44946.
Final remarks
The MarginZero protocol demonstrates a well-engineered approach to options trading on Uniswap V3. However, the audit revealed several high- and medium-severity issues related to liquidity management, fee calculations, and position splitting that must be addressed before deployment. The codebase shows strong engineering practices with modular design, comprehensive testing, and thorough documentation. The identified vulnerabilities could impact core protocol functionality and user funds if not addressed.